Yellow leaves...


Active Member
Hey guys, just going on about my 6th week of veg, and they are all about a foot or more tall, i wanna veg a little longer because i have pleanty of vertical space, a few of my plants have started yellowing up around the bottom, just wondering if i should jus leave them be or trim them up....i used miracle grow potting soil and i think it is a little nute also why i am mentioning that i am thinking to transplanting to scotts potting soil or something without the time released ferts and putting them from their 3 gallon home to a 5 gallon home....any advice on any of these subject would be greatly appreciated.....thanks!!:weed:


Active Member
okay, no responses yet...but im ordering the tiger bloom and big bloom today, along with nine 5 gallon pots...i was still wondering about removing the yellow leaves, and also how long after the transplant from the 3 to 5 gallon home should i wait to switch the light over to 12/12 because all my babies are alreay 12" tall, but i wanted to let them get settled in their 5 gallon home before i switched the lighting.....any opinioins...advice...anything?? im desperate!:confused:
Go ahead and trim the yellowing of the leaves no need to waste the plants energy on that when its already burned.Wait till u see new growth to know your plants are doing good before you put it to flower thats what i do.


Active Member
k im proly gonna snip the dead leaves about half way down the stem to the leaf... and then ill proly give about a week after the transplant to switch to 12/12...thinkin all this will be pleanty of time and now all i can do is hope for females.....
U should transplant then snip the leaves so that way you can cause more root growth during the transplant so your plant can take good to it.
yeah it works good for me.snipping the dead leaves will promote theenrgy that was going to that back to rootgrowth for the transplant


Active Member
so i have my babies in their new 5 gallon homes, and they seem to be doing fine...snipped off the bottom leaves that were yellowing a bit....also my fertilizers came sooner than expected, so i plan to veg one more week to give the transplant time to root down before i change to flowering, and after one week of flowering start a weekly feeding of tiger bloom and big bloom...sound good so far? any tips?