Yellow leaves still day 68 lotsa pics

So I've had yellow leaves since about week 2, I figured the ph problem out quickly and I may have been over nute'ing i flushed for 10 days but i just cant stop these brown/yellow leaves! I have ppm~300 all the time no chlorine ph of water about 6.7(keep it higher because the soiless mix always seems to bring it down for the runoff..avg 6.2ph)

6x2600 lumens cfl softwhite and coolwhite in a 2x3' box..ive used 20-20-20 all purpose nutes the whole time still using 1/4 strength..

order from left to right is 2 3 4 1

2 had the bottom 1/3 of the plant leaves trimmed off because they turned very yellow/brown and died.
3 was almost as tall as 2 but was greener so I didn't trim it at all, but now its turning very yellow
4 was stunted all along but is somehow looking the greenest in the leaves, although it'll be a waste
1 is very singular not very many shooting stems out from its sides... these are all "the purps-feminized"
so this one shouldn't look so off from the others but we'll see it also kept the most greenest leaves although still clearly stunted.

2341.jpg2a.jpg341.jpg2 bottom.jpg2 middle.jpg2 middleb.jpg3 bottom.jpg3 topb.jpg3top.jpg4.jpg1 bottom.jpg1.jpg!
fan leaves turn yellow first and died, should they be plucked off to give nutes etc to other living parts of the plant?

my tap water is .02 chlorine which i leave out so it ends up being .005 by the time i water. and ph of 6.7 like i said..and 300ppm even with nutes in there.. ph of run of is usually 6.0-6.5 in all plants, lately its right around 6.5.. something named weed shouldn't be so frickin hard to grow!

what in sweet holy heck am I doing wrong!

potassium, nitrogen or manganese cus the veins stay green till there all yellow too?
any help/insight?
muchas gracias!

P.S. for day 68 these are super small no? dare i say the cfls?


Well-Known Member
All your plants are sick. So it's probly something general to all your plants like water or heat humidity, nutrients or your soil. Or possible over watering. You need to look at these things first to narrow down the problem.
All your plants are sick. So it's probly something general to all your plants like water or heat humidity, nutrients or your soil. Or possible over watering. You need to look at these things first to narrow down the problem.
humidity is always 50, cfls dont get hot at all temp is always 70-75, soil is soil-less potting mix...water was described..but I may be over watering or over nuting.. i went with 3/4 strength 20-20-20 last time. But, they've always been yellowish and stunted.
thanks again for any advice!


Well-Known Member
I was using soiless for a while to, I had lots of ph problems. Hopefully it's just your ph, but its gonna take a couple weeks for the plants to spring back to tell.


Active Member
300ppm could be to low my man. u are starving ur plants. i occasionally have this problem with my mother plants. i try to feed them as little as possible so they dont get to big as my space is limited. try a few watering of 600ppm or more and make sure uhave a good micro nutrient to supplement the 20_20_20 or watever u use. from what ive read soilless mediums need to be treated more like hydro and maintain a ph in the 5.8_6.2 range. they also retain less food so a higher ppm is always needed. ive ran over 1000ppm in promix and coco both with no issues
300ppm could be to low my man. u are starving ur plants. i occasionally have this problem with my mother plants. i try to feed them as little as possible so they dont get to big as my space is limited. try a few watering of 600ppm or more and make sure uhave a good micro nutrient to supplement the 20_20_20 or watever u use. from what ive read soilless mediums need to be treated more like hydro and maintain a ph in the 5.8_6.2 range. they also retain less food so a higher ppm is always needed. ive ran over 1000ppm in promix and coco both with no issues
I heard 300 may be too low but even if i add full strength nutes the ppm goes from 290-340... why doesn't it go up at all? do i just keep adding nutes cuz im over the recommended amount then..whats the best way to raise ppm without over-nuting? maybe my meter is garbage? it was $15 from china on ebay...:)
... I had to add twice as much nutes as the container calls for to get the ppm up to that what i should be doing? twice as much seems like it will definitely be over nuted no?


Well-Known Member
they look overwatered to me. possibly under neuted but I dont know anything about that soilless mix stuff or whatever 20-20-20 is. i would flush with properly PHd water and then let them sit until they start to droop from dryness. Then water them. Then dont water them until they start to droop. How many hours/days was that? Ok thats your watering cycle minus a little bit to keep them from drooping.

Never seen a bottle that you didnt have to cut the amounts in half. the always want you to over fert so they can sell you more so you having to double the amount sounds strange.
what do the actual directions say per/gal?


Well-Known Member
You're smallest one looks like mine did, i fixed the PH and it seemed to get a lot better, just try flushing all your plants and make sure they completely dry out and check daily for any improvements, also soiless mediums are hydro no? see if a lower PH helps since hydro systems need a 5.5 PH or somewhere in that range.

- Also im pretty sure that is not maganese def, iv had it, it makes the leaves look like this RIMG0409.jpg but as i said correct ph seemed to fix it.


Active Member
I heard 300 may be too low but even if i add full strength nutes the ppm goes from 290-340... why doesn't it go up at all? do i just keep adding nutes cuz im over the recommended amount then..whats the best way to raise ppm without over-nuting? maybe my meter is garbage? it was $15 from china on ebay...:)
a 665$ ppm meter coould very well be ur issue. buy a meter by hanna and while you are at it buy sum general hyro nutes or for a small grow like that i like "player packs" by root organics. they have a few to choose from and at 75% strength they should last the rest of your grow. Its like 55-60$ discreetly delivered to ur front door. Also suggest getting a soil moister meter.
they look overwatered to me. possibly under neuted but I dont know anything about that soilless mix stuff or whatever 20-20-20 is. i would flush with properly PHd water and then let them sit until they start to droop from dryness. Then water them. Then dont water them until they start to droop. How many hours/days was that? Ok thats your watering cycle minus a little bit to keep them from drooping.

Never seen a bottle that you didnt have to cut the amounts in half. the always want you to over fert so they can sell you more so you having to double the amount sounds strange.
what do the actual directions say per/gal?

20 Nitrogen-20 Phosphorus-20 Potassium is what I meant by 20-20-20.
Soil-less mix is peat moss potting soil, with almost no nutes in there, I mixed in some vermiculite for more air.
According to this troubleshooting page it may be N, or over under nuting.
I do water every 4-5 days when the soil 1-2 inches down is dry, or droopy plant

This was from plant #3 midway up so I'm leaning towards nitrogen.

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Again... I definitly had to double the 6ml 20-20-20 nutes/per 5L of water in order to get ~850ppm on my shitty meter

...6ml per 5L only got me to ~400ppm when I doubled it... it went up to ~850ppm but double the dosage seems to much:(
a 665$ ppm meter coould very well be ur issue. buy a meter by hanna and while you are at it buy sum general hyro nutes or for a small grow like that i like "player packs" by root organics. they have a few to choose from and at 75% strength they should last the rest of your grow. Its like 55-60$ discreetly delivered to ur front door. Also suggest getting a soil moister meter.
Ill definitly get a hanna meter as soon as Im not so friggin poor, i have a cheep soil meter as well I'll start using that more often. and Ill source out some "player packs" by root organics.
thanks alot!


Active Member
DITCH THE 20-20-20 and get sumthing tailored for mmj bro. just looking at the dosing diff of 6ml/5l for house plants vs 4ml/1l in the garden plant section of directions tell me the nutes are your problem. House plants are slow growing plants not needing much food do to the slow growth. mmj plants are meant to be outside weeds and want to eat and grow as much as possible. ur plants are starved trust me bud.
DITCH THE 20-20-20 and get sumthing tailored for mmj bro. just looking at the dosing diff of 6ml/5l for house plants vs 4ml/1l in the garden plant section of directions tell me the nutes are your problem. House plants are slow growing plants not needing much food do to the slow growth. mmj plants are meant to be outside weeds and want to eat and grow as much as possible. ur plants are starved trust me bud.
Thank you very much for all your help!