Yellow leaves at the top during veg - have pictures


Well-Known Member
I read the stickies on nute deficiency and diagnosing but my issue does not quite fit into the nute deficiency patterns that I've been reading about. The leaves are yellowing at the top not bottom and curling in the middle.


- 6 weeks in veg in 3 gallon pots under 600w mh lights.
- medium is 420 recipe potting soil and only organic nutrients
- hand watered every 3 days with only bat guano water on one day then compost tea the next watering.
- roots are very healthy looking.

My first thought is that its a nitrogen deficiency but the signs of that are typically yellowing at the bottom not the top according to what I've read.

From the picks what do you think my issue is?



Well-Known Member
nute burn, back off a bit

3rd pic is heat/moisture stress, your temp/humidity relationship is off, well that or your lights are too close ?