Yellow Easy Ryder leaves- what is going on?


Well-Known Member
Alright so i am growing 3 easy ryders at the moment. I am having problems with them and i can't figure out what the solution is. They are 8 days old. One of the plants lowest leaves started turning yellow a few days ago. The tips turned yellow first and went to the center. Now they are brown and dry. The second set of true leaves are starting to yellow now from the tips inward.

I am using soil with some perlite in it. The plants sit under a 400w hps about 2 feet away from tops of plants. There is a fan in between the light and plants to move hot air and keep plants cool. I have a 4 inch carbon filter/fan combo at top of grow chamber to exchange air. It is set on a timer for 15 mins on 15 mins off and so on for the entire time the light is on which is from 6 am to 12 am. The temp stays at around 80 degrees.

I don't over water the plants, the soil stays dry most of the time. The second ez is starting to have the same symptoms. I used to water a little everyday because i put the seeds directly into 3 gallon pots. The plants arent drooping much like they need water. Water ph is around 6.5.

I did not feed them any nutes yet just plain tap water. Also the first plant to yellow is the smallest. The 2nd plant to start yellowing is the largest. The 3rd plant is medium and is all green and reaching for the light. All i can figure is they need nitrogen but at only 8 days old? Or would low humidity levels cause this symptom.

All suggestions will be appreciated. Thanks in advance. Pictures to come.


Well-Known Member
You didn't mention your medium....nuteless or.......... as MF pics and more pertinant info. Easy ryders are so easy to grow, you've missed something simple. I do believe that your lighting is too intense for a young plant......


Well-Known Member
The first two pics are of the smallest plant. It began yellowing first.

Then pics 3 and 4 are of the largest plant. This plant started yellowing yesterday that i noticed.

Pics 5 and 6 are of the 3rd plant. I noticed this morning that its bottom leaves are starting to yellow.

The lst'ed plant is a female seeds brand NL. This plant grows some everyday and seems healthy overall. i did notice a few days ago some spots on the top most leaf. It may have been to close to the hps when i had it under the 150w. But i noticed that some of the other leaf tips are going dark brown. I feed this plant nutes about once a week then plain water.

Any thoughts on what my problems are would be greatly appreciated. Thanks



Active Member
im growing these also, started mine under a 250w hps and didnt have the problem ur having until around 4-5 weeks in when they went under my 400w hps.
have to say im dissapointed with them, i mean im doing nothing different to any of my previous grows and they were all succesfull with no problems.
One of my easyryders have just stopped growing altogether around 5-6 weeks into flower!!

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
The way the leaves are cupping upwards is indicative of a watering issue. The way the lowest leaves are turning color looks like general nutrient deficiency. Watering cycles should go from very wet all the way to the bottom of the soil, to about the top third of the soil being completely dry. Spraying them with pH'd water will help them recover. A Maxicrop foliar feed would also probably help. The main concern is get them well fed and well watered asap.

The pH of the soil is the most important pH value. Knowing the pH of the liquids you use is helpful only because they affect the soil pH. Make sure that when you feed and water them, the soil pH ends up very close to 6.5.

Btw, plants droop the most with too much water. Too little water cause more "reaching" which is sort of the opposite of drooping.


Well-Known Member
I appreciate the info. I believe they are not getting the nitrogen they need because i over watered them and locked the nitrogen out. Since they have gone without water for 2 days they started perking back up. I believe the bottom of the pots are wet and soil is soggy. If the bottoms are soggy and i give them more water the roots will rot or "dampen off" and in turn the plants will die. Also from what i understand if you spray the foliage it leaches the nitrogen out of the plant, am i wrong? I wouldn't think that the plants need nutes yet because they are about 9 days old.

I think what i'm gonna try first is to let the soil dry out more. Then i'm gonna add about 1/2 strength nutes to water and ph it aroun 6.5. Should i foliar spray them with veg nutes?

Or would you strongly suggest i try something else?


Well-Known Member
So i set up my 150w hps over them to cut down the temperature. I also mixed a 1/4 strength solution consisting of gh grow, micro and bloom. I ph'ed the solution to 6.6 and sprayed them good. I did not water them because they seem to be doing better now that the soil is drying out. We will see what happens.

+ rep to all who commented. I appreciate the advice.


Well-Known Member
So i watered the plants 2 and 3 with a 1/2 strength nute mix. They are the two plants in the above pics 3-6. I did not water plant number 1, pics 1-2. I wanted to see if i would notice a difference between watering and not watering. There is no difference, all plants are continuing to yellow. This is getting irritating. I can't narrow down the problem.

At first i thought it was overwatering so i let the plants dry out some with little difference.

Then i thought maybe a nutrient def. so i sprayed down the leaves with a mild solution, no change.

Then i watered two of the three with a nute mix, and no difference.

The ph is around 6.8, i am so lost i can't figure out what the hell is going on.


use something high in time before you plant mix, half and half, good quality potting soil and store bought manure. wet completely and let dry for a couple days. then plant and you shouldn't have any problems with nitrogen deficiencies again. in fact i have had plants grow vigorously thru the whole veg phase with this and water alone.