i have tiny yellow spots on my seedlings, they are only on the very ends of 2 out of 6 of them. they are just starting there second set of leavs, what dose this mean and what should i do?
What did you plant them in??? If you planted them in say something like a Miricale Grow selfeeding soil it my be too much for them...I had yellow spots & everyone said it was nute burn..... GL
Sorry hon.... I don't know a thing about Hydro......I hope you get your question answered sometimes it takes awhile to get an answer or help......Just hang on someone that knows will help you ....it is a big site.....GL
check under the leafs for spider mites or white flies...if your good then it might be nute spill..maybe the bubbler 'bubbled' a little too much? :shrug:
it just means they are weaker than the others and that you don't want to take clones from them. lol, unless they are your only females......or produce the best nugz.........or turned out to be the best ones. lol. i got nothin'.
if the tips of the leaves are brown or yellow, it is probably over fertilizing.. BABY plants need VeRY little to ZERO nutrients... especially during germination.... first 72 hours, nutrients are not needed and a plant can easily burn
I assume if you are growing hydro, that you are pH ing your water..
they are doing better i diluted the nutes and it cleared up. ill put some pics on as soon as i get a cord for my camera, watch for my grow in the grow log forum