yellow / brown spots on leaves


Active Member
hello guys
This is my second grow and my plant is 12 days old now
I noticed some yellow brown spots on one leaf. It started 2 days ago and today it is more apparent
I germinated it on a cup pot and moved it to a larger one yesterday. I've been giving it only water for the past 12 days

Is this somthing to worry about or is it normal to happen because in general the plant looks ok

Thank you



Well-Known Member
I wouldn't worry about it Rooky unless it starts happening with the next leaves up or seems to spread. The first set seem to look crappy quite often and they'll eventually be gone so if new growth is good then it's all good. :)



Well-Known Member
No problem. Spots like that can show up from spraying the plants too and plants don't need spraying so in case you do, don't. :)
