Yellow/Brown Curling Tips Issue


Active Member
First off I have done my research but cant find an definitive answer to my issue. I am thinking it's over watering and not a nute def.

I have been around but just started posting. This is my first go around with hydro so I am still learning. But I have had numerous soil grows.

I would like some expert opinions on this issue.

Thanks in advance!

1) PICTURE OF PLANT *** VERY IMPORTANT *** Under these answers
2) Growing indoor or outdoors - Indoor, 600w air cooled, general hydro drip ring setup w/13gal tupperware tubs with 18gal reservoirs
3) Watering schedule - Was 2hours a feed 6 times a day/Just tried to keep the drip rings on for 24hrs for 2days, seemed like the girls could handle it
4) Growing Medium - Hydroton/Rockwool cubes in a SCROG setup
5) What stage of growth
- 4weeks into veg

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Active Member
Thanks Cruzer.

You don't think it was keeping the drip rings on constantly?

I have read so many different views on how long to keep the drip rings on, so I am just trying to figure out what kind of schedule to keep them on.

In the get go, I had them on for only 30min a cycle 3 times a day. They liked that in the beginning but started to turn a very light green about 2 weeks into it. So I upped that schedule to an hour a cycle, 4 times a day. They like that so I kept upping it, until I had 2 hours a cycle 6 times a day. I wanted to try constant 2 days ago, and I just noticed this tonight.

So for now, I have the drip rings turned off for the evening. See if that helps.


Well-Known Member
Roots need air, it was probably over watering. What are your ppms? And what is the tds factor of your meter? EC is fine too.


Well-Known Member
If you were over watering and the roots were not getting enough air they would cabbage up on ya, (wrinkle and droop) I got a waterfarm 8 pack and went through the same thing. First I'll let you know plants dont uptake anything unless there is light so watering at night all you're doing is circulating your nutrients. I agree there are different opinions in regards to the cycle time in hydroton, some go a full 12 hours some a few times a day. I think that depends on the strain. My opinion is the strength of the nutrient solution is a bit high, not the frequency of watering and that's whats causing the tips to burn. They are going to stay that way. Go half strength for a week or so and watch the new growth.