Wtf ...


Well-Known Member
just over 4 weeks into flower on these 3 big buddha cheese in soil flowering under 400w HPS. I used the same batch of seeds for my previous grow and they were spot on.
Here's the pics of last time and this time...

this is a main cola from my last time. the other plants were also fine,

this is my current grow, same seeds, same light and soil i don't get it :-(

But as you can see here the rest of the plants are going OK. The main cola's are just non-existant!!



Well-Known Member
From the looks of the pics of your leaves I would say it just a different pheno showing. The leaves are slightly different shape this time so that is my reasoning to say that. The more you grow of the same seeds the more chance of finding a different pheno, especially with all the mass breeding going on today with the breeders.


Well-Known Member
To be honest looks like your dark period is getting fucked with... Even the smallest amount of light in flowering can fuck with them and cause problems.. Go into your room and make sure it's completely dark when lights are off, check timers, and anything you can think of.. Even reflections from other rooms can cause this


Well-Known Member
To be honest looks like your dark period is getting fucked with... Even the smallest amount of light in flowering can fuck with them and cause problems.. Go into your room and make sure it's completely dark when lights are off, check timers, and anything you can think of.. Even reflections from other rooms can cause this
They are grown in a tent and are in complete darkness throughout the 12 hours.
it's gotta be the genetics but i don't see how the 2 i grew earlier in the year were perfect and now i'v spent 12 weeks so far on these skinny fuckin things. :cuss::cuss:


Well-Known Member
Is that one real close to the light? I see some heat issues with some of your fan leaves, see how the edges are pointed upwards? That usually indicates that your lady is getting too hot, I didn't notice that when I first looked but a plant that is "too hot" can also do what your lady is doing.
Ya, any light that gets in during your dark cycle can cease pistillate flower production causing it to return to veg, or go into the dreaded sex-reversal. Doesn't look like that though. In comparison to the first cola, it does look like it has something to do with the genetics. We're the seeds feminized? Looks like common decrease in plant vigor.


Well-Known Member
I grew Big Bhudda Blue Cheese a couple of years ago, I know it's a different strain, but from the same family. I saw that pheno you are looking at in about 1/3 of my plants. Don't chuck them out! They are skinny bitches, but they came out tasty and smelly. Granted, the yield sucks on them, I really enjoyed their smoke. I was pissed about them just as you are and fortunately I had a mix that looked just like the other pheno your showing and so my overall yield was okay. Those little "christmas" tree fuggers came out tasty in the end though.


Are these comparisons at the same time frame though? Your latest ones even though may be a different pheno, after looking again, they do seem to have lost vigor.


Well-Known Member
Ya, any light that gets in during your dark cycle can cease pistillate flower production causing it to return to veg, or go into the dreaded sex-reversal. Doesn't look like that though. In comparison to the first cola, it does look like it has something to do with the genetics. We're the seeds feminized? Looks like common decrease in plant vigor.
Ok guys, WRONG. Tiny amounts of light won't hurt like this. What you are talking about requires a significant amount of light. Ambient light won't cause sex reversal. In flowering it's difficult to send a plant back into veg successfully. It won't just accidentally happen.


Well-Known Member
I grew Big Bhudda Blue Cheese a couple of years ago, I know it's a different strain, but from the same family. I saw that pheno you are looking at in about 1/3 of my plants. Don't chuck them out! They are skinny bitches, but they came out tasty and smelly. Granted, the yield sucks on them, I really enjoyed their smoke. I was pissed about them just as you are and fortunately I had a mix that looked just like the other pheno your showing and so my overall yield was okay. Those little "christmas" tree fuggers came out tasty in the end though.


Are these comparisons at the same time frame though? Your latest ones even though may be a different pheno, after looking again, they do seem to have lost vigor.
Definetly not gonna chuck them out, the picture taken of my last grow (1st pic) was taken around 6 weeks in so not far from the same time frame. To be honest the rest of the buds on all 3 plants are coming along, its just the heads on all of them.
In my 5 years of growing i'v never seen anything like it.


Active Member
That first picture is more like 6-8 weeks not four weeks. I think you're mistaken dood.

Edit: I think your current one looks good and just about normal for a fourth week.


Well-Known Member
Ok guys, WRONG. Tiny amounts of light won't hurt like this. What you are talking about requires a significant amount of light. Ambient light won't cause sex reversal. In flowering it's difficult to send a plant back into veg successfully. It won't just accidentally happen.
BULLSHIT.... very low wattage can fuck with your ladies.. As low as a 25-40 watts of light can stop flowering, even if just for brief period of time


Well-Known Member
I couldn't find the article online so I'm just gonna type it out from my magazine word for word: hightimes june 2005 featuring the game on cover.. Jorge's RX

Light at Night

Can the dark side of a 12 hour on/12 off light cycle be disturbed? Can i turn on a fluorescent light?

Dear Rodsky,

Turning on one 40 watt fluorescent lamp at night will keep your plants from blooming for sure. I did experiments last year to find the exact point at which light stopped plants from flowering. i discovered that cannabis will not flower if given more than quarter-foot candle of light during the 12 hour dark period. This is a little more light than you see during a full moon on a clear night. Though you can see fairly well at night during a full moon one your eyes become adjusted, it's still not much light. If you want to work in your growroom when the lights are off, use a green incandescent light bulb. If you can't find one at a local store, spray paint a white bulb green. Plants aren't sensitive to green in the light spectrum and so it will not effect flowering


Well-Known Member
max316420....hmmmm....nah. "brief period of time" is all relative. The plant isn't going to stop flowering even if a 1000w light was on for 6 hours during the 12 hour period dark period. If you did it every day for a week it might START to revert back, but getting a plant to revert back to veg takes much longer than 6 hours. Hermies...that's another story, but I don't think that 6 hours of light in a single dark period in a single grow is going to cause hermies in otherwise hermie free plants.


Well-Known Member
Only reason I am sure this could happen is when i installed a new ac, there was a beam of light leaking in from outside, wasn't much so I just blew it off and I'm sitting here wonderin what and the hell was goin on with my ladies, they looked the exact same as his and I had never experienced this before.. As soon as I sealed it up they resumed growth and went back to normal.. They didn't revert back but flowering was SUPER slow, but shit with this plant it could be anything lol And don't take that post as me being an asshole, I should worded it a bit nicer
Ok guys, WRONG. Tiny amounts of light won't hurt like this. What you are talking about requires a significant amount of light. Ambient light won't cause sex reversal. In flowering it's difficult to send a plant back into veg successfully. It won't just accidentally happen.
If "ambient" or "tiny" amounts of light has been been getting in unbeknownst to the grower everyday for the last 4 weeks or whatever, I assure you, it could cause veg, at the very least will cause sex reversal. As the other part of my post stated: I dont think that it is a light issue, but rather a genetics issue.


Well-Known Member
amen brotha...... make a check list and cross everything off you know isn't causing it. eventually you'll find the culprit. And it def could be genetics