

New Member
okay look...... i have been trying to look for a supplier in san diego and everyone i try to talk to to get some weed everyone thinks im a fucking cop! im not a fucking cop! im 17 years old turning 18 in january. im just trying to get some good weed. the only person that i know that has some always has cheap ass shit! super gay ass weed that tastes like crap doesnt get me high at all! i need a supplier! anyone???

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
for starters you are not even old enough to be using this forum and this thread is a fine example of why .

quote' everyone i try to talk to to get some weed everyone thinks im a fucking cop! im not a fucking cop! im 17 years old turning 18 in january. im just trying to get some good weed 'quote


New Member
You're in San Diego right? Go to Balboa park and walk around outside the planetarium and yell, "who's got some green for sale, hey, hey, I need pot".

You've got to yell it really, really, really, loud because my guy that deals there is almost completely deaf.


Well-Known Member
You're in San Diego right? Go to Balboa park and walk around outside the planetarium and yell, "who's got some green for sale, hey, hey, I need pot".

You've got to yell it really, really, really, loud because my guy that deals there is almost completely deaf.

rofl.... im baked and had a day dream about him walking round shouting that. it cracked me up so i typed it :lol:

no ones going to say yeh i know a dealer here you go here's where to find him on a website mate?


Well-Known Member
If ya live in CAli , walk down the beach , smelling the air ... ya smell some bud walk up and ask if ya can have a hit !!!! No wait they might be MS13 so they will hit the shit outta ya ... Ummmm Go to your local head shop often , dont ASK them if they can get ya any smoke . Jus get to know the ppl that work there .... hell ask for a job . then as ya get to know the ppl that work in the Head Shop they might invite u to a party , concert anything like that and ya might get hooked up GL .... jus go to place where ya think pot heads hang out like In-N-Out , ummm Denny's , Krispy Kreme ect lol


Well-Known Member
No doubt, if you are 17 and in school and can't score you have more issues than trying to get weed............