Wtf have happend to the plant?


Active Member

I was gone for about 3-4 days.
I have no idea what happend. They are in soil and i feed hesi nutrients.
Its about 3 weeks in to flower and for just 3 days they have stretched and the tops looks fucked up.

What have happend?



Well-Known Member
damn that plant is really fucked up. what kind of light are you using? whats your feeding schedule?


Active Member
damn that plant is really fucked up. what kind of light are you using? whats your feeding schedule?

There are 600w hps.
I feed about every second day, after two days they look really thirsty.

It is burned by something.....What should i do.....Cut the tops of?
What could it be burned of?


Rebel From The North
well you say they strected right well they got taller and the light
got them that looks like heat and if it was nutes and you left
for three days and you didnt change your nute formula its heat,
you would of seen a sign of that if it was nute along time ago
cause thet look bad, sorry bro


Active Member
Well, its not heat, that am i pretty sure of. Belive me.
The lower buds are okay but the leaves in the lower area doesnt look good.
Feels right to do the wrong but, maybe time to cut that top lol


Rebel From The North
how far along in bud are you cause it also looks like if there wa buds
that they have been trimbed off can we get a pic of the hole plant?