Wtf are these? Please Help with Pics


Active Member
i really hope my plants havent turned hermie on me... nearly five weeks of flower...

if so can i chop dry and smoke.. will it be alright ? thanks




Active Member
Interesting, I don't have experience with hermies but your conclusion seems to be a good one. I would think you could harvest now before they grow further and the buds would be fine. Obviously i wouldnt clone off this~


Well-Known Member
While I don't see any male flowers in the pics(look down lower on the plant)it does appear as though yer making seeds there.


Active Member
yeah i dont see any bananas anywhere... just these pods with a brown hair coming out... so wanna believe they are ok .. but they do look like seed pods.. or maybe they are just swollen calyxes... i'm really not sure what to do with them


Well-Known Member
Well its quite obvious its hermed if you have seeds. Just don't use this for future clones and start over from someones cutting or a reliable seed source. That doesnt mean you cant enjoy your harvest though. I have had some awsome tasting weed that had seeds in it. Just finish it up, and keep a paperclip next to your pipe for when you taste that "glue" taste

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
those are definately seeds. Your plants have been pollenated an from the looks of it they have been for a while. Unless there is some rogue pollen from a male, there is definately at least one hrmaphrodite in your garden.


Active Member
what im thinking is if i cut it now .. will my bf blue cheese hermies!!! get me high.. not sure if its had enough time to produce enough thc... so thinking ride them out a little more and just put up with the seeds picking the blighters out .. shiiiiit not sure what to do.. bloody bf blue cheese are reknown for this but only found out when i started them off .. never mind i'm sure it will still be a lil smokeable ,.. just a crap yield !!!!


Well-Known Member
I would finsh. Seeds are easier to remove if you let them grow out. You should finish what you started and bleach the environment after you chop em. Its sad to see this after all that electricity consumption. Buts its common problem, A lot of growers try to maximise their yeild by "stressing" plants. Whether that be in the form of high heat, too many nutrients, too much light in bloom, or even shinging any amount of light in its dark cycle for longer than a minute can cause this. Enjoy what you created though. Seeds are only bad if you smoke em. So what if you have to spend a little extra time pickin seeds out of bowl?


Active Member
I would finsh. Seeds are easier to remove if you let them grow out. You should finish what you started and bleach the environment after you chop em. Its sad to see this after all that electricity consumption. Buts its common problem, A lot of growers try to maximise their yeild by "stressing" plants. Whether that be in the form of high heat, too many nutrients, too much light in bloom, or even shinging any amount of light in its dark cycle for longer than a minute can cause this. Enjoy what you created though. Seeds are only bad if you smoke em. So what if you have to spend a little extra time pickin seeds out of bowl?
yeah man cheers !! i might just do that.. but still 3-4 weeks left .... and by then i'm afraid they will be more seeds than bud


Well-Known Member
No seeds develop in patterns and all at once. IF you harvest it now you will smoke little underdeveloped seeds pods that will be difficult to remove and you will still taste that "glue". Just harvest as you normally would until the trichromes are 60% foggy under a loupe or a magnifying glass and youll be glad to be picking out large seeds instead of little ones


really the only problem with the seeds, at the stage your at, is that the plant is putting out energy towards developing the seeds and not putting as much energy as it could to producing THC. I'm no expert, first grow myself, but I would clip the buds with signs of seeds (if less than 25% of the buds are "contaminated") so that the plant will focus more energy towards the "clean" buds. I would also flush them at least 4 days before you snip to get rid of any excessive build up of minerals in the plant/bud that you will be smoking. Thats my 2 cents from what I have learned.


Well-Known Member
Well that wouldnt work because when you find seeds they are already on the inside of every bud on your plant. There may be an entire plant without seeds in which case you could isolate it but your better off getting a bigger yeild and just finishing and try to figure out what caused your stress issue in the first place so you can know for next time. The tucks dude is right ^^


Active Member
ive grown bud that hermied and let it finish, it was still awesome only if for sale people wont be too happy,but personal smoke pick em out n toke away


Active Member
yeah the bud is just for my personal smoke so you and hoagtech are cheering me up and will prob finish them off... only a couple of long weeks left or so ;)


Well-Known Member
You shouldn't chop if those are the only plants in your space...
How big is your grow area? Were there only females going into flower?
Hermie seeds really aren't too bad especially if those plants are you only harvest... hell you can plant the hermed seeds and the majority of the plants from those seeds will be female with the others being hermie. Not too bad of an option imo.