wtf are some of you thinking?

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New Member
okay i dont understand soem of you noobs here. You spend money on lights and seeds and set up but you fail to get a ppm pen and a ph pen wich are the most fucking important tools that you have to determine if your plants are getting what they need and so that you dont have any problems. All i c is please please help me i donno whats wrong, my plant is dying , this is fucking retarded a ppm pen is 40 bucks and so is a ph pen. Fuckkkkkkk, please please help me, fuck its getting so old reading shit like this.

dont feed clones or seeds till they are 6 inches tall then feed with 400 ppm and get some good fucking soil while your at it and some hydroponic grade organic or synthetic fertilizer. Feed feed water feed feed water do this till the last 2 weeks then just water and youll have dank chron. Go to 800 ppm once 2 feet tall and 1200 if you get to 4 feet tall and there you go . Now stop fucking posting please please what do i do cause if you do im gona call you a moron everytime i get. ps ph should b 6.2 in soil and 5.8 in hydroponic.


New Member
ppm fancy bwhahahhaha what would you think of a ppm ph humidity controller with software that makes your laptop controll them all lol by itself


Well-Known Member
yer i know. but people wouldnt need fancy meters if they read the grow faq and asses the situation. problem solving.


New Member
yer i know. but people wouldnt need fancy meters if they read the grow faq and asses the situation. problem solving.

your so fucking stupid the labels arent always right and then what well your special you dont need anything or anyone now fuck off


Well-Known Member
first of all how long have had it and second you didn't find a good ppm tester that cheap.
An alright ppm meter is in the $80 range not even a good one an alright one.
A good one your looking to spend over $120


New Member
people like you make noobs think its ok not to get tis shit then they fuck up and here go the questions please please whats wrong


Well-Known Member
not every1 nos what to do with a ph and ppm meter or what levels they should be at thats y there noobs asking questions. for a stoner u sound awfully bitchy, is it rag time? plus who makes u answer them? is some1 with a gun by u'r computer making u write back since u'r such a great grower y u even come here than? is my tip to u don't help and stop bitching and if not my girl has some extra tampons i can send u


Well-Known Member
what a cock.

would you like cheese with ur whine?

my plants and other peoples plants have turned out fine without meters.

now gtfo


Well-Known Member
Dude thats raw, but funny.
What he dosn't know is both of those meters will go out on him in two months if not faster.


New Member
fucking haters they dont work pfffffffffffff i use a combo one but ive used both those brands before and they work great fucking great some for like 2 years as long as you calibrate them once a month, and the point was where do you find a ph and ppm meter for 40 bucks and i found them for 20
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