Wrinkled Leaves?


15 day old seedlings are going a bit wrinkly, are they healthy?
I've been giving them about a cup of water each every 2 days, but my 600W dries the topsoil up pretty quick so I've been dampening it with say 1/4 cup every other day.
Temps are at 81F right now and the surface is pretty damn dry, is slightly damp and inch down though, what is my crime, over or underwatering?!

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I'd say you have the lights too close to the tops. 600w is really bright for seedlings. I dont have any CFL's so i've been using a 600w too and i've noticed the same problem. Just move up a bit higher and id say it will return to normal. I've also been watering everyday or other too as the soil does tend to dry out quict but there still going great. Hope this helps