wrinkled leaves on seedlings?


Active Member
I have 3 seedlings.....all about a week old, give or take a day or two. They were under 4 26W cfl's and 4 40W flouro tubes, but just yesterday I put my 400W MH light on them. Two of them should make it as long as wrinkling is not a major problem that I can't figure out. The other one is a lost cause, I believe. They also seem to be struggling in growth compared to what I have seen on this forum.

What generally causes the leaves to wrinkle? Heat, lack of water, lack of enough light, nutrients, ventilation, humidity? Is this normal, if not, what can I do to correct it?

Any advice and please let me know what you think! BTW, feminized northern light seeds.



Well-Known Member
I have 3 seedlings.....all about a week old, give or take a day or two. They were under 4 26W cfl's and 4 40W flouro tubes, but just yesterday I put my 400W MH light on them. Two of them should make it as long as wrinkling is not a major problem that I can't figure out. The other one is a lost cause, I believe. They also seem to be struggling in growth compared to what I have seen on this forum.

What generally causes the leaves to wrinkle? Heat, lack of water, lack of enough light, nutrients, ventilation, humidity? Is this normal, if not, what can I do to correct it?

Any advice and please let me know what you think! BTW, feminized northern light seeds.
Mutation. I would let them grow out and se how they do. KEEP SMOKE ALIVE!!