WPM/Rust? Keeps coming back


New Member
Hey everyone. This is my 1st grow and I'm having a huge problem with WPM and or Rust? I've noticed white specs growing on leaves and brown specs growing on leaves. I really don't think they are trichomes. They are in small quantities but there since week 5 veg. It keeps coming back on the bottom leaves and spreading higher and higher. I have 2 oscillating fans diagonal from each other, a dehumidifier in the center-outside to keep humidity low, a small clip on fan blowing over top the plants and a 395CFM exhaust fan in a 5x5x7 grow tent. The plants are spaced out enough that they don't touch. I have tried spraying the plants with 1 TBSP organic vinegar cider mixed with 1L water and it didn't do much but make my plants stink. Then I tried potassium bicarbonate 1 TBSP mixed with 1L water and it seemed to work very well on 2 of my plants. Then I used 1 TBSP 3% hydrogen peroxide with about a cup or two of water and tried a bit higher doses and I think it got rid of it temporarily but it came back quick. I'm really really frustrated. I just started flowering 4 days ago and its back like no other. I want to tackle this problem ASAP. I vegged for 8 weeks...I really don't wanna scrap these plants. I already got unlucky with 1 male and now I have 2 plants and 1 has mild WPM/Rust while the other is increasing in WPM/Rust because the fan leaves near the bud sites are growing rapidly. Anyone have any suggestions? I'm so lost right now what to do. Just deal with it and H202 bath the harvest or what. I have no idea but it's stressing me out.:wall: