WOW, Religion Of Peace

jeff f

New Member

the guy (osama) is, by his own admition, responsible for at least 5,000 innocent dead people of all religions. not to mention the ten thousand or so dead iraqi civilians that al queda killed.

so instead of just praying to their "god of peace" they riot because someone finally killed him.

any of you terrorist apologist want to take a stab as to why they would do this?

the religion of peace can suck my sweaty balls.

i hope a giant pig fish ate his body and shits his poop remains onto 72 virgin fish...

thank God that obama went back on his word and didnt dump all the bush/cheney policies. one less super scumbag on the planet.


Well-Known Member
thank God that obama went back on his word and didnt dump all the bush/cheney policies. one less super scumbag on the planet.
President George W. Bush on March 13th said:
I truly am not that concerned about him
as opposed to...

President Barack Obama said:
Shortly after taking office, I directed Leon Panetta, the director of the CIA, to make the killing or capture of bin Laden the top priority of our war against al Qaeda, even as we continued our broader efforts to disrupt, dismantle, and defeat his network
you sure about that one, jeffers?

jeff f

New Member
hey, i gave bamster props for getting him. good for him. although his address last night was totally self obsorbed, the military/cia finally found bin laden and killed him. if you listened to bams speech, you would have thought he hand picked the team and piloted the helicopter

now, do you wanna deal with the religion of peace or do you want to keep distracting my point?


Well-Known Member
perhaps if you didn't try to politicize the discussion, it wouldn't get side tracked.... Obama did keep on the CIA, Obama did attend the Security Council meetings, and Obama did give the order to go.... Something about that bother you?

And we no longer waterboard, by executive order, so what Bush/Cheney policies did he keep? lol

hey, i gave bamster props for getting him. good for him. although his address last night was totally self obsorbed, the military/cia finally found bin laden and killed him. if you listened to bams speech, you would have thought he hand picked the team and piloted the helicopter

now, do you wanna deal with the religion of peace or do you want to keep distracting my point?


Well-Known Member
*stamps foot*
look, they haven't actually gotten rid of everyone else that disagrees with their ideals....i can not say, given a environment of their own choosing, they are not indeed, peaceful.

i have no way to know...nor do i suspect, many others besides...


Well-Known Member
i can find you some pretty radical extremists in ANY religion.

that should not inform your opinion on the religion as a whole, however.

jeff f

New Member
perhaps if you didn't try to politicize the discussion, it wouldn't get side tracked.... Obama did keep on the CIA, Obama did attend the Security Council meetings, and Obama did give the order to go.... Something about that bother you?

And we no longer waterboard, by executive order, so what Bush/Cheney policies did he keep? lol

war one policies he kept, war two policies he kept, and started his own is that working out? plus he realized how fucking assinine he was to even suggest closing guantanomo so thats still open. would you like me to go one or did i make my point?

edit did i mention april was the deadliest month in iraq since 09....just sayin


Well-Known Member
yes, christianity, unless you go back a few hundred years, budhist, jewish....just to name a few.
bullshit. i can find you some very radical christians. same for the jews.

i'm not so familiar with the buddhists, but i have a feeling.


Well-Known Member
Christianity? lol... I'm a christian, but I won't agree with you there Jeff. I'd say Buddhists if I had to guess, being the most peaceful..

jeff f

New Member
bullshit. i can find you some very radical christians. same for the jews.

i'm not so familiar with the buddhists, but i have a feeling.

really? when is the last time you heard of a christian riot or a christian mass murder of a few thousand people. total bullshit red herring

jeff f

New Member
Christianity? lol... I'm a christian, but I won't agree with you there Jeff. I'd say Buddhists if I had to guess, being the most peaceful..
well lets hear it. show me some modern day christians killing bunches of people. unless radical means protesting the killings of babies in the womb.


Well-Known Member
Don't you think many Muslims see us as Christian crusaders? How many have died in our war on terror? I'm not saying I bleed for the murderers, but try to see from someone else's perspective once in awhile. :)

really? when is the last time you heard of a christian riot or a christian mass murder of a few thousand people. total bullshit red herring

jeff f

New Member
Don't you think many Muslims see us as Christian crusaders? How many have died in our war on terror? I'm not saying I bleed for the murderers, but try to see from someone else's perspective once in awhile. :)
if they see it that way then they are wrong. i can say the sky is pink, and i am wrong too.

nobody is starting any war in the name of christianity. there were plenty of atheists cheering last night....


Well-Known Member
really? when is the last time you heard of a christian riot or a christian mass murder of a few thousand people. total bullshit red herring
show me where in the book of islam that encourages the mass murder of thousands.

those people that killed thousands were not muslims, they were terrorists. they were indulging in the american lifestyle of decadence before they carried out the attacks, not praying to allah.

nice 'i hate muslims' thread, though.