Would these Work for veg?


my buddy has these outside he said they are metal halide and he would sell them for 10 bucks each. had no clue if they would work or not. anyone know?



Well-Known Member
I believe you can use them. No reason you can't. They have the external ballast or anything.


Well-Known Member
For bulbs check out your local home depot or lowes store, or if you want some grow bulbs check out your local hydro shop, they're like $25 and up.
As for the ballast just go remote, because these puppy's put out some heat..it's pretty easy to do it I did it and only took me about 30-45min tops.
All you really got to do is remove the socket from the ballast run some wire from the ballast to the socket and you golden.

Here's a link which will help you along the way How to Use an Industrial Low Bay Light Fixture?
Another one High Bay Light Conversion