Would Love to know

My son brought me home a clone that we rooted in dirt, once it started growing in the solo cup he transplanted it into a 3 gallon fabric pot with 1 bag of cheap walmart topsoil. The only thing this plant has had besides rain water is tap city water with 2 tablespoons of molasses..this pic was two weeks ago and now 7 weeks into bloom. 40 inches high by 52 inches wide with 27 fat buds...will take a updated pic tomorrow. Would love to know what strain but know it must be impossible to tell looking at it when it's finished.IMG_20200913_082720850_HDR.jpgIMG_20200913_082720850_HDR.jpg
You did a better job than many growers that fiddle around with a dozen bottles of nutrients and other products. Have you moved that recently? I bet the roots have grown through the bottom of the pot into the ground which isn't a bad thing at all. I've had outdoor plants do just fine with just being watered from the hose. Cannabis doesn't need the excessive fertilization that many growers give their plants.
I have not tried to move it so I could not answer that question although I did move my huge tomato plants in the same type of containers.