would it be killing my plants?


To put them outdoors right now?
Even if i put blankets on them every night?

If its possible but not advisable what steps can i take to achieve a grow outside right now from plants that i have, i have a home made green house that i will be upgrading, and it is off the ground. i live in northern California, near the Sacramento area so the frost doesn't get too bad during the winter and i keep a close watch on the weather, i have one plant still outside almost ready to harvest and there still hasn't been a frost


Well-Known Member
To put them outdoors right now?
Even if i put blankets on them every night?

If its possible but not advisable what steps can i take to achieve a grow outside right now from plants that i have, i have a home made green house that i will be upgrading, and it is off the ground. i live in northern California, near the Sacramento area so the frost doesn't get too bad during the winter and i keep a close watch on the weather, i have one plant still outside almost ready to harvest and there still hasn't been a frost
I live on a Hawaiian Island where its night and my plants are fine, then agian its like 70F.... what i'm saying is, it depends where you are and how cold it is and how dry/humid.


New Member
if it rains but its portected its good it might slow down but if theres no protection from rain it could get mold


yup it will be protected from the rain, the frost would be my main concern, but the area im in shouldnt be below freezing for more than a week at a time