Would a 600w mh light be enough for a 240 X 120 X 200 tent?


Active Member
As the title says, i was wondering if a 600w mh light would be enough to veg 10 plants 8 gallon(25l) pots using coco. This will be a sealed vertical grow, I will only be using 200cm width in total as the last 40cm will be used to store a mini split ac and dehumidifier and also a acoustic inline fan with carbon scrubber to clean and recirc air and also using oscilating fan to keep air moving. CO2 will be fed through a pipe from a cylinder outside the tent at 1500ppm using a unis controller and regulator. The plants will be layed out in a figure 8 formation with 2 x 600w hps in the circles of the 8(hope that makes sense). The aim of the vertical grow is to grow plants to about 6 to 6.5 feet, so vegging will be done to around 36inch. Any advice would be great. Thanks


Active Member
would like to point out the figure 8 layout will only be used during flowering. I was thinking of using horizontal for vegging.