Worst night ever.


Undercover Mod
Drawers at work were short 170 dollars. Can't wait till tomorrow when I have to tell my boss. Hopefully he can figure out where it went becuase I couldn't. Fuck me right.


Undercover Mod
It's pure Bullshit man. Never had that much money come up missing. Most likely my boss will be all over the cameras tomorrow. Hopefully he catches something. Cause I didn't take shit, but that doesn't mean my head won't be on the chopping block.


Well-Known Member
Shit I used to manage a fast food place in college and it always sucked when I counted a shortage and had to tell my boss why my monthly losses was so much. Either it was an employee who stole it or an employee who cant count fucking money.


Undercover Mod
Seriously dude I hate this shit. I gonna call him in the morning and let him know. I gotta open tomorrow by myself after I closed last night. Hes in at 1245, I think i'm gonna call him when I get the store open.


Well-Known Member
that sux dude, hope you have a cool boss...whenever shit like that happens, I always feel like everyone is looking at me...like I have a guilty look on my face or something...it's a shitty way to have to go into work...good luck man...let us know what happens


Well-Known Member
Any payouts to vendors that day? Who had access to the register? Were you given a new till to start your shift with?


Well-Known Member
My wife works for a Casino and she goes nuts when her shit don't count up right!
Don't worrie it'll show up.


Well-Known Member
I used to manage a local Gas station years ago.
Money always came up missing.

I had a rule of thumb that I worked with always.
Any money missing under $50 dollars is a written warning.
Any money missing under $50 dollars 2nd offense within 30 days, immediate termination.
Any money missing under $50 dollars 2nd offense within 6 months, written warning and 3 month probation. meaning do it again and you're fired.

Any money missing over $50 dollars is a written warning and 3 month probation, meaning do it again and your fired.
Any money missing over $100 dollars is immediate termination.
Any money missing over $500 dollars is immediate termination and the cops were called to investigate.

I lived by this and it worked, and I had all my employees sign it.
After my employees signed it.
I had to fire only 9 employees for the 1 year that I worked there.
Getting clerks to work at the station that I managed was a dime a dozen.
Soon as I had someone fired, I had their position filled before the end of the day usually, if not the next day.
I always thought back then that a good employee only lasts about a month.
Afterwards, they would always get cocky/arrogant, or they would start to think they own the place by wanting to start making changes.
Then they start to call in sick, and showing up late. Then money would start to come up missing. Then they start to kiss my ass. Then when I don't
appreciate their ass kissing. They almost always turned into the person that would complain, bitch and moan all the time.

My philosophy back then was, A Good Employee Only Lasts 30 days.
In fact I think all these Fast Food places and any other minimum wage jobs should be run by temp agencies.
Where your employment contract with any place you work with should only last 30 days.
After that time, the employer would be able to renew your contract for another 30 days if they wished, or they could say send me a different one.

It would keep the businesses happy, and it would create more jobs.
Plus, it would make the employees happy.
If they didn't want to work for BK anymore they could go work at Mickey D's next month.



Undercover Mod
Well things went okay. My boss wrote up the person who was missing 70 dollars was a new girl only her second day.
He watched her do some sketchy stuff on camera.

The other hundred was never found. And I didn't catch any flak the person who did a money transfer for 1600.00 dollars got shit for not having it verified.


Undercover Mod
I knew I didn't fuck up anything and it had to be someone else. I'll be happy if it doesn't happen again forawhile. Hopefully everyone pays attention to what they do better.


Undercover Mod
My boss was totally cool with me all day and he even let me leave early cause I got everything done to receive today's shipment early. he told me not to worry about it cause days like that are far a few between, but they will happen.