Worst Experience of my life...green dragon trip


Well-Known Member
Ok so last night at about 6 before the super bowl i took some green dragon i had made i took 3 mg and holy shit. At about 8 I was tripping balls like I never have before. I was legitimately scared, the highest I have ever been. I got into the shower try and calm my high down but about 2 minutes into the shower I basically left this world. My shower felt like it was taking off like in willy wonka with the elevator. I went up and up and left this world. I felt like everything in this world was fake, like the level nuketown from call of duty. It might of seemed real but it wasn't, almost like the matrix like this world may seem real but its really fake. If that made any sense at all....lol its hard to explain. By the way the shower light was on but the bathroom light was off so I couldnt see anything outside my shower and I think this fucked with my brain. But after I got out I was like sketching balls and it took me like 10 min to dry off. I looked into the mirror and I thought i could see my eyes looking other ways. I felt like a puppet and other people were controlling my body. I later went and sat in my lazy boy and could not sit still like my legs were kicking but i couldnt control it and i was loosing it. At one point I was licking the roof of my mouth and I thought I was digging through to my brain, like the movie wax house when he is picking off his skin. After about 45 min of tripping like this which felt like 5 hours I was able to control it, but man this scared me. I have heard stories like this before but never thought weed could do this but now I see how powerful weed can be. By the way I have done green dragon many times and smoked for years so im not new to weed. It wasnt laced either cause I have been drinking this batch for awhile. I don;t know if i tripped like this cause I took a sober break for about a week or if the THC in the bottle floated to the bottom and i took all of it up since this was the end of this batch of greendragon ........is this possible?? It has been about 12 hours I am like twitchy and feel like out of it. Does anyone have any comments or stories like this??


both these vidoes help explain what i was going through....see how nuketown is...like a fake neightborhood but it supposed to be real....and this matrix song was going through my head


both these vidoes help explain what i was going through....see how nuketown is...like a fake neightborhood but it supposed to be real....and this matrix song was going through my head
lol i dont know never tried Green Dragon but im interested sounds like you had one hell of a high
Hahaha that sounds crazy as fuck, never tried the stuff but awesome story, musta been pretty trippy.
I enjoy the dragon but have not experienced this strong reaction. Twenty ML gets me off for a good eight hours with about two hours of the eight being frantic/ADD high the rest being relaxed couchlock. I use the hot method to make it and let it pickle in the alcohol for about 6 weeks before I strain the vegetable matter from it. Its more of a brownish green color.
I enjoy the dragon but have not experienced this strong reaction. Twenty ML gets me off for a good eight hours with about two hours of the eight being frantic/ADD high the rest being relaxed couchlock. I use the hot method to make it and let it pickle in the alcohol for about 6 weeks before I strain the vegetable matter from it. Its more of a brownish green color.

what alcohol to weed ratio do you use
I use everclear.............love to drip it on pizza........fucking get high as shit.

its weird for me cause everytime i use it on a partially full stomach or eat right after i take it, it never works that good. Usually I take the dragon then about an hour in i can eat anything i want and it wont dent my high. During this story I ate 3 PP&J and 2 bagels and chips....i was SO hungry lol