Worried worried i dnt know if my plant has a nute burn occuring or if its heat stress

hey im new to this its my first grow im useing a 200watt cfl i also have jus fed my short ryder some ionic bloom a very small amount in a pint of warter witch i left to stand for bout 72hrs im really concernd im hopeing someone on here could offer me some sound advice on wat the problem could b ? the top leaves have curling edges and yellow tips and also they r getting light green patches on the leaves i have some picture to show u wat i mean plz if anyone could tell me asap that would b great thank u muchly o and also it has some browm on the edges aswell but u can c in pics thanks :-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o2011-03-17 22.56.22.jpg2011-03-17 22.50.04.jpg2011-03-17 22.56.46.jpg2011-03-14 12.26.06.jpg2011-03-17 22.56.09.jpg2011-03-17 22.58.52.jpg2011-03-17 22.55.44.jpg2011-03-17 22.55.13.jpg2011-03-17 22.57.03.jpg2011-03-17 22.53.57.jpg

ps MAKE TEA NOT WAR :weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed:


I wouldn't worry about it. Looks like a little bit of Nute shock, but the plant still looks pretty healthy. I wouldn't worry just yet.


Well-Known Member
Looks like both to me. The canoe shape of the leaves indicate heat stress and the yellow tips are burn.
Thanks guys so ill move it away frm the light and not feed it any nutes for a little while :-) and jus keep an eye on her i must admit i didnt realize how much more she would grow when i changed to a red spectrum cfl she mist of bin about 2inches away frm the light i didnt even notice till now woops lol