Worried about watering too often


Active Member
I live in Northern arkansas and I'm worried that when I start growing next year my plants will be over watered because we get a lot of storms with excessive amounts of unwanted rain. Any alternatives/resolutions? Also how often do I water my plants?

Larry {the} Gardener

Well-Known Member
Plant on hills. Use lots of perlite in your mix. Maybe grow above ground if possible. And don't forget your bug spray.

When you get to know them, you plants will tell you when they need water. But since the leaves is how water leaves a plant, the more leaves, the more water it needs. Seedlings need almost no water at all, while monster plants can use gallons a day.


Well-Known Member
Grow your plants in pots and cover them up on heavy rainy days or ensure the ground you have mixed up has extra drainage in it.

Also you water your plants whenever the soil around them has dried up by at least 75%, or at least that is how you would water it in a pot.


Active Member
Thank you so much for the answers guys I do plan on planting in pots by the way but how will I cover my girls up if it's outdoor? I have no idea how to cover them up cause I don't want the rain getting in my pots on stormy days and ruining the plants by over watering

Larry {the} Gardener

Well-Known Member
Thank you so much for the answers guys I do plan on planting in pots by the way but how will I cover my girls up if it's outdoor? I have no idea how to cover them up cause I don't want the rain getting in my pots on stormy days and ruining the plants by over watering
Not too much you can do in a clandestine grow except put more drainage in your soil, stay out of hollows and use fabric pots. Once they have some size to them, it will take a lot of water to kill them. Like standing water turning the soil to soup.

ganga gurl420

Well-Known Member
I live in Northern arkansas and I'm worried that when I start growing next year my plants will be over watered because we get a lot of storms with excessive amounts of unwanted rain. Any alternatives/resolutions? Also how often do I water my plants?
I have the same problem where I live. I always buy some polymer crystals (water absorbing) to mix in with my soil. It works like a charm and you can get them at harware stores and even walmart.

Larry {the} Gardener

Well-Known Member
I have the same problem where I live. I always buy some polymer crystals (water absorbing) to mix in with my soil. It works like a charm and you can get them at harware stores and even walmart.
Right now I'm having a crazy amount of rain. But during the summer it usually dries out. I add red lava rock to my soil mix to help with water retention. All the little pores fill up with water when it rains, then slowly releases it over time.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't worry to much with an outdoor grow on this stuff. So long as there not in a boggy/flood prone area