Worm Castings: Good? Bad?


Active Member
Hello, anyone have any experience with worm castings? Are they good? Does anyone recommend them?


Well-Known Member
I highly recomment using worm casting...worm casting is a great soil to grow in..i would advise adding some peralite to it. but other then that. worm casting is great for growing, i think you will like it if you no what you doing..


Well-Known Member
I usually use it throughout the soil....along with perlite

it's really good to use as a nute.... healthy plants during veg with no chems...


New Member
I have been experimenting with top dressing plants in a layer of worm castings, works great. when i move my rooted clones into soil i add about a 1" layer to the top of the container. Seems to prevent/stop any yellowing that occured during cloning.

A friend of mine top dresses all his plants in a 4" layer of castings.

Good Luck


Well-Known Member
great stuff love worm casting, noticed a big difference when i added them to my soil mixture. I have a buddy that just uses it as soil and it works pretty good too.