Words cannot describe


Active Member
Okay so yesterday I get a call from a perspective employer. They asked me if I would like to come in for an interview (which precedes a drug test), and of course; I say yes. The interview was scheduled for today at 3:00pm. So initially I feel screwed because I have no time to prepare for it.

I do some research and find out that they drug test and it is also a urine test. I googled many things and asked around about different ways to beat a drug test. I came to a conclusion and decided on niacin. It might be my best chance, because I am not a heavy smoker, and I am fit with almost no fat on my bones, so much so I wish I had more.

However, the more I read on niacin, the more I find mixed reviews about its effectiveness. So at this point I am starting to worry about my situation. Thoughts are racing abound my head, worrying about this test. Keep in mind I have been looking for a decent job for over 8 months now and I am starting to get desperate.

Then this morning I get a call from the employer. At first I was worried because I had just downed 1000mg of niacin and was turning bright red and my eye were more red than white. I did not know wether or not they were calling to move my interview earlier or what. So as the conversation went on, I could tell something was not right. She informs me that they have had a "hiring freeze" put on them this morning. SERIOUSLY what are the odds?:roll:

At first, this news is relief to me, because now I dont have to worry about a test. However now I have to keep looking for another decent job. Sometimes I feel like I have the best luck in the world, but then luck completely proves me wrong!

Oh well, at least I can get high now. So now bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
"George, I want you to have this job, of course (ring ring) uh, I've gotta take this . . . thanks for comin' in"

At least you won't be bothered w/that pesky Penske file!
Better luck next go-'round.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Oh shit, I hate niacin! I tried it just because of the supposed health benefits.It makes you feel like an overcooked hot dog ready to split your skin.Either drink tons of water(it's worked for me before) or get some clean urine(also worked for me). The clean urine will have to be body temperature, so if you're a girl, insert it in your hoohoo like I did (in a bottle, of course, NOT glass!),or keep it under your nuts if you're a guy.
Okay so yesterday I get a call from a perspective employer. They asked me if I would like to come in for an interview (which precedes a drug test), and of course; I say yes. The interview was scheduled for today at 3:00pm. So initially I feel screwed because I have no time to prepare for it.

I do some research and find out that they drug test and it is also a urine test. I googled many things and asked around about different ways to beat a drug test. I came to a conclusion and decided on niacin. It might be my best chance, because I am not a heavy smoker, and I am fit with almost no fat on my bones, so much so I wish I had more.

However, the more I read on niacin, the more I find mixed reviews about its effectiveness. So at this point I am starting to worry about my situation. Thoughts are racing abound my head, worrying about this test. Keep in mind I have been looking for a decent job for over 8 months now and I am starting to get desperate.

Then this morning I get a call from the employer. At first I was worried because I had just downed 1000mg of niacin and was turning bright red and my eye were more red than white. I did not know wether or not they were calling to move my interview earlier or what. So as the conversation went on, I could tell something was not right. She informs me that they have had a "hiring freeze" put on them this morning. SERIOUSLY what are the odds?:roll:

At first, this news is relief to me, because now I dont have to worry about a test. However now I have to keep looking for another decent job. Sometimes I feel like I have the best luck in the world, but then luck completely proves me wrong!

Oh well, at least I can get high now. So now bongsmilie