Wood ash?


New Member
Some of my plants are going to be grown in a swampy area and so far I've been mixing compost in the mounds and I may go pick up some kind of organic stuff to help the soil(any recommendations?). I know cannabis likes acidic soil but I'm not sure if the swamp is too acidic for it. Should I mix in some wood ash or not?
well if it is too acidic I would recommend agricultural hydrated lime instead of wood ash, Though, wood ash as I have been told is a good source of certain micro nutes. With soil mixes I tend to have the opposite problem of soil being too alkaline. For that I just started using this organic soil acidifier which seems to be working pretty well so far. that and some bone meal and I was able to get my soil from 7.5 to 6.5-6.0 in a week or so. I work with organic veggies as well and the best soil mix imo is 1/3 peat moss 1/3 vermiculite and 1/3 of compost made of at least 5 different types of organic materials. (most compost sold in stores is made from a single type of organic matter with limited nutrients. kitchen compost is always best.) For my cannabis plants I use the same thing except with the added ph adjustments, a solo cup full of wood ash, and a good sprinkle of bone meal. I am sure as I progress my methods I will add and adjust this mix but so far this mix seems to be working great for my ladies. they seem to get plenty of nutes all through the cycle.