Wondering about this for a 220V Power Disrtibution Unit for my HPS Lights in my room


So I'm a professional IT nerd and DIY'r. I was thinking when wiring up my new flower room that this might work great for quick clean wiring with breakers and all. Its a 220V, 4 bank distribution unit, Made by Compaq for Server Racks. The max on each bank is 8amps. A 1000W at 220 is 4.5 amps. So basically, I can plug 4 - 220v 1000W balasts into this, each into their own bank\breaker, and run one 30Amp 220 jack to my room. It has 220-molex connectors that fit right into the ballasts. I dont see a reason why this wouldnt work great. You know the quality is good as it is made to run enterprise level servers non-stop for 20 years. You can find them on Ebay for like $25. Cant buy a 220v pigtail that cheap. This seems like it could make wiring a big room way cleaner and easier.

Compaq 240V 24A Rack Power Distribution Unit 207591-005

What do you think?(Note, I'm not bidding on that one, I have 3 sitting here to try out. Just using the link for a pic or whatever.....)


Yeah, the timers is the hard part. Hmmm..

I know you would think startup is surge, but I have a digital Watt/Amp meter on my small room, and when I start my 600W digital setup up, it actually creeps up as the light warms. Not a surge and drop at all. I'll go home and watch it today, but I seem to remember it taking a while to even get up to the 600. If that was teh case and they do "slow start", this wouldnt be an issue. It's not like its gonna pop my main, or even the 40 or 50 on the breaker. I have 200A service to my main.


Active Member
Just for the record, most magnetic ballasts are drawing 1100W, possibly more, depending on power factor. So that's more like 5A. Am I to understand that each of the 8 outlets is protected by it's own breaker? Because if it's as simple as 250v/24a = 10a per breaker, which isn't the 8A you outlined above... not like it matters, still within the safety margin by a long shot.

But yeah it's all set for you once you get that timer in there. Although I'd say you don't really need the server rack as all it does is save you the trouble of wiring up a couple duplex outlets.


It says 8 amps max per output, but they are 10A breakers on the Unit. 50A input breaker.

Not like I'm dead set on using it. Seemed opprotune since I have all the cables to hook the ballasts right up.