Wonder Woman, AK-48 IN Coco. New Purple Power in Soil. Autopot Grow.


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So after my 1st attempt at growing with New Purple Power which ultimately ended up in my throwing out my 6 foot plus trees because I had left them in veg too long and abused them so much that they got bad mould. Which left me with one clone which I put into flower about 3 weeks ago. This is the first plant I have flowered so I'm using it as a learning aid, so far in what not to do. Hopefully I can see this last of the NPP right through to a successful harvest. Its a hardy strain I'll give it that.

This is how the solitary NPP is looking in my grow tent.


I've been feeding it Canna Aqua Nutes (hastily bought the wrong nute for my autopots) as per the directions on their site. Its in 70/30 (sh!t B&Q)Soil/Perlite mix. Under a 600w HPS that I have turned down to 400w with my digital ballast.

I will upload a video of this plant soon.

And now on to the main event...

So my 2nd attempt at growing which is documented here.

This was even more of an epic failure.

I found it hard to germ my Sensi Seed Hollands Hope and Big Bud seeds using the paper towel method. Now to be fair to Sensi the seeds has been stored in my fridge (in the original packets) for a few months. Only a few sprouted and those that did I managed to either kill with overheating once potted or just steam on the container I was using.

So I felt it was time to change tactics. I bought 5 fem Wonder Woman and 5 fem AK48 from Nirvana along with a ten pot germination kit. So far this is how I'm doing...

I followed the instructions on the germination kit website to a tee and planted the seeds in the kit and then put it in a propagator with wet perlite at the bottom. The whole process started on the 30st Dec.

Less than 24hrs later 09:00 31.12.11
19:22 01.01.12
root development
22:43 02.01.12

I decided to move them to larger pots with a 70/30 Coco/Perlite mix on the 02.01.12 and put them in my clone box. 8 X 20W Cold CFL's in a mylar lined cupboard.
07.01.12 feeding them canna coco nutes + some Rhizo about 80ml per pot per day on 24hrs light.
09.01.12 now I'm thinking of changing the light schedule to 18/6 any thoughts on this?

After such hassle germinating my first two times (I got about 4 plants out of 20 seeds from the Sensi NPP in the first grow) I have to say I am so impressed with the germination kit. 100% success within 24 hours and I think my babies look excellent. I'm sure the problems with germination on the other rows were my fault (infact I know they were) BUT it can't be denied that these kits do yield good results for the beginner. Worth the 5euro for sure!

Anywho hopefully this grow will go better than the last two, please leave any comments or tips RE the lighting schedule. I'm also thinking of upping the nutes a little as the plants seem a little on the yellow side to me but i'd love a 2nd opinion.




Active Member
So checked on the NPP and seems to be doing fine apart from some yellowing/browning of fan leaves all over the plant both big and small leaves are effected.

Any ideas?



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So an update on the WW and AK...

They are growing great!

Took these photos about 1am last night. Real tight nodes on all the plants and some 5 fingered leaves already showing!

I'm going to pot them up to 1/2L pots tomorrow as they are gonna be root bound soon. I'm putting them on 18/6 starting tonight and once they are in the new pots and have settled I'm going to up the nutes slightly.

I have a problem now in that I can't move these guys to the autopot grow room until the NPP is finished, I might build a temp veg room while I'm waiting as I think these girls will out grow the clone box pretty soon if growth stays as is.

With regards the NPP I'm going to flush her tonight to see if it is a case of lockout and hopefully move her onto stronger nutes soon. I also got my air pump today its a Hailea ACO-9602 this is for the nute reservoir.

Anywho thats my update I'll check back in after everything has been transplanted/flushed and let you guy know how I get on.


Active Member
So first an update on the NPP...

The issue with the yellowing leaves has worsened :(

The bed on the [plant are starting to develop nicely and bulk up bit I am getting more and more of these leaves yellowing and then getting brown tips.

Last night I flushed the plant in my tub with 10L of PH 5.4 water. I'm going to see how it reacts to that and then depending on how she goes I may change the nutes.

Please see the photos and video below, I really would appreciate any advice here.


The video can be seen here. I turn on the light of the camera after 30 secs and this shows the colour of the leaves more accurately.



Active Member
And the Wonder Woman and AK's

Well I potted them up tonight I'm following Canna's online nute guide (well slightly less than what t says) which is quite handy as you can put in the litre of the container your using to get exact ml of each nute, which is great.

I'm getting great results (I think) the stalks are quite think, nodes are nice and close and the leaves are nice and broad.

Only problem is i think they will out grow these pots very soon. I think I'm going to put them either in 5L square pots or just straight into the 15L Autopots. My only issue as I've mentioned is where to put them. I need to get a temp veg room up and running asap.

Anyway heres how they look in their new homes.



Active Member
All however is not totally rosy in the garden with the AK's and WW.In being slow to act on the potting up of the plants I have let them become completely root bound, all of the plants are as in the pics below. My question is what damage is this likely to cause to the plants development and what can I do to minimise this?


Also on two of the AK's i found some brown little spots on one of the bottom sets of leaves. Any ideas? I didn't find any signs of pests.



Active Member
So I am now in a bit of a dilemma. I need to move my AK's and WW to a larger Veg area pretty soon, they are getting root bound in the 1L pots so they also need to be potted up.

As I have said before the main issue is that the NPP is in the DR 240 because its the only light safe area that I have, there is still another 4 weeks of flower left in her.

My first thought was to build a small veg room and pot up to 6L square pots but I have the 15L Autopots just sitting there and at the rate these girls are growing I'm thinking it makes more sense to just get them into the Autopots now. This however causes me a problem with space as I don't really have the room right now to build a separate veg room to fit 10 Autopots.


I can either take the NPP out of the DR240 and make a flower room for it with the 600w HPS and parabolic reflector but I'll bee looking at a temporary space 1mx1m which I expect would run quite hot as ventilation would be an issue.


I could leave the NPP where it is and try and partition half of it and have two separate rooms within the DR 240, now I don't know how easy this would be to do and also what heat issues this would cause.

Now I could also just scrap theNPP altogether, its being through a rough time and is now beng fed with Aqua nutes I just wonder if its worth the logistical hassle its causing right now for one plant????

Now if I do decide to keep the NPP I will need to get some new veg lights.

What are peoples thoughts here.

I was originally thinking of getting 8x4' T5's something like a lightwave t5 8 way ? I will need to build a separate veg room at some stage and I like the idea of something that runs that bit cooler and with less power considering I could have a 1200w flower room also running. Will one of these units be enough to veg 10 plants to about 12-16' over a space of about 80cm x 150cm. What diameter are 12 -16" plants likely to get to?

Now it might also make more financial sense for me to get get another 600w ballast w 1m Parabolic and 600w MH, as I will need the extra Ballast and shade for flower. Cost wise I'm probably looking at the same and it means that I can just switch for another HPS bulb when I need it.

Still leaves me with the question about the T5's for the veg room going forward though, will I get good results?

Anyway, I'm going to put up some photos of how the AK's and WW are doing later.

Any advise is appreciated.
I grow NPP in DWC under 1800 watts using advanced nutrients 3 part system-superthrive (1 drop per liter)And a product called sweet...Never had a problem...The advanced nutrients eliminates the need to keep up with your nutrients since it ph's itself at 5,8 and has buffers to keep it there...throw away your soil and go to DWC those black containers with muscle mass buliding powder shit work great

oh yeah and what you have there is either lack of feeding or Overfeeding ...they both kinda look the same at that stage