Wonder How Many Rules I Can Break

Got some Jack Herer Autos in Happy Frog, 3 gallon Fiber Pots.

Got two that looked good. Take a little off the top. Take a few Fan Leaves off.

Today HMM! What can I do today? Take some more Leaves off.
I always top them, although this run for the first time I tried topping 3 and LST'ing 3. I still like topping better. If that's breaking a rule, I've been breaking that one for years.

This grow I'm trying "schwazzing", which is some pretty heavy duty specific and scheduled defoliation. If I hadn't seen it work well for others I'd never attempt it. I guess I'm going to find out if it's something only experts should try or something an average grower like myself can pull off. Another half dozen weeks and I should have the results.

The only auto Jack Herer I've grown is Fast Buds, came out really nice. It's been such a long time since the last time I grew the photo version, can't really say how they compare, but on its own the auto was solid.
That was funny. Son came over. Man you should see what I have been doing with those Autos.

His face said it all true fear. What has the old man done now?

He comes back well it isn't hurting them.
That's an interesting take on it I guess. I super cropped a plant last night, they were all pointed up this morning. I don't super crop until they have been put in the flower tent
OK did all this stuff. They look good but it is taking longer to mature and stunted them.

I was looking to Chop in December. They are not ready yet.