Women who ALLWAYS us Sexual inuendos.

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New Member
Its not cute.
I am sorry your daddy did not pay you enough attention as a child.
you make me want to jab pencils in my eyeballs so i don't have to read your attention whoring posts. Thanks for reading.


Pickle Queen
AWW someones mommy did not teach them 2 bite their tongue and be polite, hmmm the irony


Well-Known Member
I don't know if this is a sexual innuendo but when I'm with a woman I like to ask her if I can put my sexual in her endo.


Well-Known Member
Sexual in-your -endo! But I agree its not very lady like. Neither is jumping down a guys throat for wishing women still acted like women.


Legal Moderator, Esq.
Its not cute.
I am sorry your daddy did not pay you enough attention as a child.
you make me want to jab pencils in my eyeballs so i don't have to read your attention whoring posts. Thanks for reading.


Well-Known Member
Its not cute.
I am sorry your daddy did not pay you enough attention as a child.
you make me want to jab pencils in my eyeballs so i don't have to read your attention whoring posts. Thanks for reading.
What was your end goal in posting this thread? attention from the attention whores?

Are we lonely?

I revived my sexual innuendo thread for you by the way..


Well-Known Member
this reminds me of that 'sexual innuendo' thread i read here once, anyone have a link? it is fucking FUNNNY the first couple pages, you'll laugh your ass off


Well-Known Member
You guys complain when we behave or call us frigid.

Why watch so much porn when you don't respect women who act like porn stars, but you desire them more than a sweet girl who loves and cooks for you. Double standards...

Innuendo- how else are we to hold the wavering attention of the average adult male??!
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