Withering Leaves


Active Member
some leaves on my plants are withering, turning kind of brown at the tips. they have been misted regularly. can this result in withering, or do i have another problem, please help. I'm new with allllll of this.


Well-Known Member
Are you growing in soil? Do you ph test? What is the temp of your grow area? What kind of light(s) are you using? What ferts? At what strength? Can you post a pic? Need more details.


Active Member
Yes soil, yes i ph test, temp is usually near 75F, im using a 4x24w floro light with two white spectrums and two red spectrums


Active Member
when they were a week old i used some 20/30/20 around the edges of the pots, but i stopped using it


Well-Known Member
Without a pic all i can do is guess. Using floros so aren't too close to lights. No ferts so not over doing that. Do you have a fan and other ventilation? Do you use a mositure wand so you know when to water?


Active Member
yes sir, a fan is on at all times with ventilation every 6 hrs or so, yes they are watered according to the meter


Well-Known Member
I would increase the ventilation. My main one runs 12 hours on/12 off. Smaller runs 24 all time. Of course that is besides your fan. You never mentioned if you ph tested your liquids. How old are your plants? MG not best potting soil. But they do have a new product out called their all natural blend. The best of their line.