• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Wishful Thinking for Arizona's Sheriff Joe SubHuman!

The Potologist

Active Member
So I was reading an article this morning on this ass clown known as "America's Toughest Sheriff", and thought I would give my logic on what I call a "subHuman"!

This guy BRAGS and BOASTS on the SUFFERING and inhuman Suppression that he inflicts on "americas dirtbags". First the "chain gang" and then making prisoners wear pink underwear!!!He has a long list of inhuman tactics(e.g. Making prisoners sleep in tents outside in 130 degree temps.), both mental and physical. He brags about how he is the MODEL CLASS sheriff and that every Prison and Jail in America should be run after HIS modelings....Personally, I think this guy is on a beatin path to find a huge fucking bullet lodged in his head.

Now, I am pro-life and personally dont wish death upon anyone...but I am really considering closing my eyes if he was ever to encounter "fatal fortune". Personally, I think this dudes Karma meter is tipping the scales.

Heres the Article I was reading : http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/2010/aug/10/protesters-turn-out-arizona-sheriffs-visit/

How this guy is still considered a human is really beyond me! Let alone how he has ANY right to be a Sheriff is beyond all of my logic. Personally I pray that he finds a direct route to hell where he can take pineapples up the ass with his brother ADOLF HITLER!!! Anyone that prides themself on human suffering and supression has a serious request for the world to entertain the death of him! It is seriously hard not to favor a public beheading on this worthless rejected irrational inhumane subhuman:hump:

I can see that this is turning into a tad bit of a rant, however, I do hope to spread the word of this killers destruction! I think we need to rally and have this guy deported from Planet Earth..Perhaps to a place where he can play Sheriff Joe with whoever and do whatever he pleases to whatever he finds in our galaxy! I think on a more reasonable note, we should at least get this whack job the hell out of Law Enforcement. He has absolutely no business in Criminal Justice whatsoever!!! His idealogs are that of Adolf Hitler minus the idea to rule the world. He openly and blantenly prides himself on human suffering...if this is not hitler reincarnated I dont what is:evil:

I still feel like I am Pro-Human Life...Just not Pro-subHuman Life...I know that seems like a hypocracy, but its hard not to wish death on someone like this! Anybody else feel the same? I by no means encourage or believe in violence, but I certianly believe in executing those that get off on human suffering! Those that get paid and blindly screw the tax payers by making human suffer more than whats humane!

Last year alone, Sheriff Joe had to spend $189,900 of TAX PAYERS dollars to provide adequate security for his persons. Add that to his 90K a year salary thats a total of almost 280K a YEAR to have this fuckhead in charge! What a utter waste...reminds me much of the war on drugs( which he also favors). Now with the outragious claims he makes I can understand why it cost so much. Perhaps, if the people of Arizona were to rid of this subhuman they could recoup such wasteful spending! Moreso, they would be saving humans from inhumane punishment! Lastly, I hope all of this is not left at wishful thinking and something actual happens to this very sad and sorry situation this subhuman has created!

I have recently heared that The mexican mafia has put a bounty on this guys head.....ahhhh perhaps there is such a thing as karma?

I welcome any comments. Not looking for a debate, but perhaps others opinions on such a person?

Peace, Love, and Happiness


Active Member
How this guy is still considered a human is really beyond me! Let alone how he has ANY right to be a Sheriff is beyond all of my logic. Personally I pray that he finds a direct route to hell where he can take pineapples up the ass with his brother ADOLF HITLER!!! Anyone that prides themself on human suffering and supression has a serious request for the world to entertain the death of him! It is seriously hard not to favor a public beheading on this worthless rejected irrational inhumane subhuman:hump:

I have recently heared that The mexican mafia has put a bounty on this guys head.....ahhhh perhaps there is such a thing as karma?

I welcome any comments. Not looking for a debate, but perhaps others opinions on such a person?

Peace, Love, and Happiness
SubHuman??! Sounds like you've got alot of built up Hate for this guy. I don't necessarily agree with the old Sheriff on the war on drugs, but he's spot-on with illegal immigration:blsmoke:.



Well-Known Member
Im not defending him or his actions, but he gets reelected everytime. Must be something people like about him.

The Potologist

Active Member
I guess it really goes to show how ignorrance can truely be bliss! I dont hate, but I certianly cant stand to see an elected official continue to make victims on his quest to a "perfect civilized society". Thankfully this idiot has no say on Immigration. I think he truely forgets that we are all immigrants. The only non-immigrants in this Great ol Country is the Native Americans...Which btw, he thinks he has no right to America. I guess he perhaps does have a mission for domination. I am sure he has no courage in Global Domination, but for some reason fantasizes on USA domination through Sheriff Joe.

Not only does this guy have a 8th grade education, it really shines in his ideologies. Sheriff Joe believes in Human Punishment cause there is no hell. Regardless if there is or is'nt doesnt give some smuck the authority to use and abuse humans. This guy needs a awaking....hope it starts with a Wake! I could never ever find myself supporting anything that this guy has his agenda and motives on! This guy means nothing good. Hes a hack and a classmate of Bush's. He should be outlawed from public office because of his crimes!

It does very much surprise me to see this killer get re-elected time and time again. However, considering his best mate is John MCcain, I can sense the level of sheer ignorrance in Arizona Politics :)

P.S. Subhuman is a word....just google it...it means less than human...and that is exactly what this thing is that calls himself America's Toughest Sheriff...Should be America's biggest hypocrit! It originated in Germany during the Era of the Nazi's. They punished the "subhumans" and killed the "nonhumans"....totally sicko just like Joe!

Peace, Love, and Happiness


Well-Known Member
You sure do have a lot of animosity towards this person. Does he put prisoners prone on a board and stuff a sock in their mouth and pour water on it to simulate drowning? Does he make prisoners stand naked on top of small wooden boxes for 40 hours at a time? Does he parade prisoners around naked covered in their own feces? Perhaps he burns the bible in front of them? Or pisses on the bible?

Couldn't be as bad as the Federal "Peace Officers".

The Potologist

Active Member
I can certianly say that I am outraged at this guy being an elected official. He is in complete violation of many civil rights. Moreso, he is totally abusing his authority and has no business being in law enforcement because of his priding tactics on punishment.

Sure, I agree he is not as bad as per sa Hitler was, but it is very evident that what he is doing is totally wrong, and should be stopped. Prisoners are humans as well. I think that is where we need to step in as a society and let sheriff hitler now that he is no longer is needed in public office :)

Thanks for your comments :) I aprreciate different views :) Peace, Love, and Happiness


Well-Known Member
Fitch makes a good point. What is Sheriff Joe to the rest of the tyrany and inhumane suffering around the world? My two cents : he's an all american guy. Sure, humiliating prisoners isn't ideal, but they are in prison for a reason. Put the guy that raped and murdered some one in the hot sun for the rest of his life to toil away? Yes.


Well-Known Member
Sheriffs are politicians, not police officers. We all know how politicians act right? The only difference is the Sheriff must abide by LOCAL customs/morals and please the local constituent so he can be reelected. Its not like Andy Griffith anymore.


Well-Known Member
i thought you were an atheist? then why are you wishing he be sent to hell? you are a phony. and just because temperatures can exceed 135 doesn't mean they do. you could die of a heart attack or drunk driver, doesn't make it a fact that you will tho. i dont care what you or anyone says, i am not a damn immigrant. and my ancestors certainly didn't get here illegally unlike most of the bastard border hoppers that get here. sub-human maybe, but if acquiring american citizenship and freedom isn't worth waiting for, then they can all go shove it.


Well-Known Member
I think the guy does go a little overboard.. He is a sheriff at a county jail which means that some people are still going to court and the process of being innocent until proven guilty, but he is still treating all in his county jail like they are guilty...that is wrong!!!! and again its a county jail so some people may only be guilty of not paying traffic ticket..now if he so tough why don't he become a warden in a state prison...see how long he can make some real hard-core prisoners wear pink and sleep in the heat.


Well-Known Member
i thought you were an atheist? then why are you wishing he be sent to hell? you are a phony. and just because temperatures can exceed 135 doesn't mean they do. you could die of a heart attack or drunk driver, doesn't make it a fact that you will tho. i dont care what you or anyone says, i am not a damn immigrant. and my ancestors certainly didn't get here illegally unlike most of the bastard border hoppers that get here. sub-human maybe, but if acquiring american citizenship and freedom isn't worth waiting for, then they can all go shove it.
Speaking of being killed by a drunk driver heres an example of federal and or state authorities endangering our lives by not enforcing immigration laws....
I give you Carlos "The Nun Slayer" Montano

The Potologist

Active Member
Stop being such a pussy. These prisoners are living in luxury compared to 2nd/3rd world prisoners, I think all prisons should be modeled on Joe's system. Subhuman and comparing him to Hitler, listen child you have no idea how bad life can be and you're doing a serious injustice by comparing these two situations that have absolutely nothing to do with one another. Sheriffs do not write laws so your whole "war on drugs" part need to be pointed towards legislators. The only thing subhuman is your intellect and ability to reason. I don't think you fully appreciate what a prison is and why prisoners exist, here's a hint.......not so they can have fun. The only thing I regret about Joe is that he does not represent MY county.
I think the only thing I need to say here is WOW what a genuine E-Thug! This discussion has nothing to do with your country in wherever land. I am truely glad that you have nothing to do with the Justice system, in any country. There is not alot to appreciate from prisons. Granted the provide some safety, however, most are FOR PROFIT...Nothing like making a buck on human suffering. I think you have a huge need for some compassion and to realize you only have potentially one pair of balls no matter how large they get. To say someone has subhuman intellect and ability to reason is highly intellegent. You dont know me, and whatever you may know of me, is all digital. So...Just keep your e-thug ways up...it makes you look way more ignorrant than anyone on this thread regardless of how off anybody's views may be on this topic, which I might add, IMO, yours are psychcotic to say the very least.

Lastly, I will advise you that if you cant keep your E-thug emotions under control...Your digital lips on this site will be sealed, understand...CHILD? I will NOT warn you again!

@Blazin-----Stop your hating man. If you wish to disagree there is a proper way to do it and still be civil without having some fucked up immature sarcastic runt to it. I am a atheist, and I was obviously using that in a figure of speech, not in a matter that I actually believe in a hell. Kool?? Great :)

This is a discussion on American prisons and what this Smuck called Sheriff Joe is doing to Prisoners. I have no care for what happens to other prisoners in this world in regards to this thread. I only care to discuss USA prisoners that are under Sheriff Joes rule. I have seen alot of video that shows the outside conditions that these prisoners are living in. There is a reason why this guy has LOST 5 CIVIL LAWSUITS....The sad thing is that the Federal Government does nothing to stop the infringments on Constiutional Rights. He describes it as pushing the envelop on Constitutional punishment. I call it a violation. I can understand that being debatable. However, IMO...He is in direct violation of the US Constitution on several plains. Hence why the ass clown has LOST 5 civil rights lawsuits. I guess thats still is not enough motivation to stop his "Hammer hand of Justice". I think this guy in his finest hour is going to grow to regret what he has done to humans. I think he will beg for forgiveness for what he has done just like a cowardly killer, but have nothing but a freightful death...Perhaps that is wishful thinking.

PS--I to have been told that sherrif joe gives great blowjobs....guess its the thing to do in arizona, when you have the largest badge of ignorrance pinned to your chest ..idk :)

Peace, Love, and Happiness


Well-Known Member
Prisoners deserve no better treatment than what he gives them.

You do know that scientist say that the indians migrated here by land bridges.

So in reality they are not native either!!

The Potologist

Active Member
Fitch makes a good point. What is Sheriff Joe to the rest of the tyrany and inhumane suffering around the world? My two cents : he's an all american guy. Sure, humiliating prisoners isn't ideal, but they are in prison for a reason. Put the guy that raped and murdered some one in the hot sun for the rest of his life to toil away? Yes.
Your absolutely correct. Its not ideal. And I would hope that for once america can be the better person and not fight fire with fire. We need to take a step back and offer up some other approaches. This is not how to treat people, IMO. Regardless of what they have done, we are all "sinners" and have all done wrong. Wrong is Wrong. IMO, it doesnt JUSTIFY making a human suffer for the rest of their one and only life. I think we forget that sometimes we only have one shot at this deal :)

I also think noDrama had a great point. Sheriffs are UBER POLITICIANS. They dont get the fancy 90K a year salary without the votes to get them there. BTW, did anyone know that Arizona has the lowest average IQ in America...Sheriff Joe does :)

I believe in freedom, and immigration through the proper protocols. I dont think every mexican and his mother should just start jumping the wall. Lastly, as much as many Americans dont like to admit it, its the truth. The greater majority of people in America today are descendants of immigrants from somewhere. Thus, making you a great great great child of an immigrant, thus makes you an immigrant. However, it doesnt mean you are not American :) It is what it is. The only Americans that are TRUE americans, are the NATIVE "AMERICANS"...anybody else is a NON-NATIVE = IMMIGRANT....Theres a easy and undeniable correlation there :) So perhaps to refocus this is only in regards to "American" prisoners under the "supervision" of said ass clown. ( Sheriff joe shouldnt be able to babysit a turtle let alone a human).

Peace, Love, and Happiness

The Potologist

Active Member
Prisoners deserve no better treatment than what he gives them.

You do know that scientist say that the indians migrated here by land bridges.

So in reality they are not native either!!
I do. However, never gave much thought to it until you mentioned that. Very good point. I agree with it to. Frankly most are descendants of nomads. However just cause everyone is a immigrant I dont think we should open up the flood gates and let anybody in :)

I reject your opinion and will still stand on mine. Humans are humans. Not Humans are sometimes Prisoners/Non-Humans. Humans show so much ignorrance when they treat there own kind like a subhuman. Everyone deserves to be treated like a human. The constitution says so( not the only reason I think we should), I am also a humanist...So I think that is what we should do. Joe blatenly says these are not humans...I think joe forgets what the hell he is sometimes...perhaps thats why he treats those humans like such that he does :)

Thanks for playing, Peace, Love, and Happiness :)


Well-Known Member
Your absolutely correct. Its not ideal. And I would hope that for once america can be the better person and not fight fire with fire. We need to take a step back and offer up some other approaches. This is not how to treat people, IMO. Regardless of what they have done, we are all "sinners" and have all done wrong. Wrong is Wrong. IMO, it doesnt JUSTIFY making a human suffer for the rest of their one and only life. I think we forget that sometimes we only have one shot at this deal :)
Wrong is wrong, but you can't throw Patty the Pedo in the same category as the guy that swears and drinks too much. That's like Marijuana arrests in the US for example. It's obviously not a huge deal, but it's thrown into the same mess as cocaine and meth. Is that fair? No. Just like a criminal that commits murder shouldn't be thrown into a cell with a one time traffic offender. I see your point and I would have to agree if things were just that easy. But unfortunately we are not in a perfect utopian society and somebody's got to be the guy stomping on balls for the greater good.

The Potologist

Active Member
But some humans are very non-human acting,(ted bundy,hitler and so)
I do not consider any of those as humans(monsters really)

Be well and Happy...
Very very true. There are plenty of wack jobs. Plenty of killers. But no matter what crime they did, or what title society/justice system gives them, they are still humans until death. Its a fact of law/nature. Something that can not nor will not change until death. So until then, I beleve, IMO, that we should treat every human, as a human. You know, In politics, alot of people side on the side of humanly justice. Alot of people are compassionate for our race and species. I think if alot of people knew what went on in prison like this they would have been deeply upset. Humans need to be compassionate and humanly. To NOT do so, shows just what degree one lacks of being said human. Its the really really right thing to do, IMO. Treat a human, like a human. its a simple basic idea. It should be a pillar of human civilization. Moreso, I am willing to bet, that if ANYONE was to end up in prison, and has a "strong justice hand", they would agree with me, especially if they were geniunely innocent. Most people who are "strong" for justice have a financial motive ( 95% of prison in america are PRIVATE PROFIT BUSINESS). I also think that those who dont have a financial motive, typically are victims with revenge on their heart, or are a politician of some assortment needing a extra vote, so they hop on the "HELL YEAH JUSTICE" bandwagon :(

Some may not like to admit it, but in factual reality, hitler was a human, bundy, etc...Although they deserve a degree of justice, they all still lived, and died, as a human.


Well-Known Member
yeah that guy is shown in every,weed,war on drugs movie around.its almost in a way to show you why we shouldn't be filling our jails up with people who did nothing to anyone but them selfs.everyone always talks about self control but if we choose to put something in our body's, that the gov does want to do to them self.they find the need to force it on us.Just like the dumb fucks who say shit like "im cool with gays.as long as they do not push it on us."now most people look at that person as a dumb ass.but for some reason the american people,seem to be able to take a blind eye to this types of people.i feel like if american was to have concentration camps Arizona would be the first place they would set them....The reason why people like Sheriff Joe are a loud to treat people this way,is cuz the american people seem to just take a blind eye."oh it has nothing to do with us" "i will never go there,why should i care.".THIS NEEDS TO CHANGE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE NEED TO OPEN THERE PRETTY SHELTERED EYES AND HAVE A GOOD LOOK AROUND!! THINGS NEED TO F*CKING CHANGE.THE ONLY WAY THIS WILL HAPPEN IS IF PEOPLE LIKE US STAND UP AND DO SOMETHING ABOUT!