The Potologist
Active Member
So I was reading an article this morning on this ass clown known as "America's Toughest Sheriff", and thought I would give my logic on what I call a "subHuman"!
This guy BRAGS and BOASTS on the SUFFERING and inhuman Suppression that he inflicts on "americas dirtbags". First the "chain gang" and then making prisoners wear pink underwear!!!He has a long list of inhuman tactics(e.g. Making prisoners sleep in tents outside in 130 degree temps.), both mental and physical. He brags about how he is the MODEL CLASS sheriff and that every Prison and Jail in America should be run after HIS modelings....Personally, I think this guy is on a beatin path to find a huge fucking bullet lodged in his head.
Now, I am pro-life and personally dont wish death upon anyone...but I am really considering closing my eyes if he was ever to encounter "fatal fortune". Personally, I think this dudes Karma meter is tipping the scales.
Heres the Article I was reading :
How this guy is still considered a human is really beyond me! Let alone how he has ANY right to be a Sheriff is beyond all of my logic. Personally I pray that he finds a direct route to hell where he can take pineapples up the ass with his brother ADOLF HITLER!!! Anyone that prides themself on human suffering and supression has a serious request for the world to entertain the death of him! It is seriously hard not to favor a public beheading on this worthless rejected irrational inhumane subhuman
I can see that this is turning into a tad bit of a rant, however, I do hope to spread the word of this killers destruction! I think we need to rally and have this guy deported from Planet Earth..Perhaps to a place where he can play Sheriff Joe with whoever and do whatever he pleases to whatever he finds in our galaxy! I think on a more reasonable note, we should at least get this whack job the hell out of Law Enforcement. He has absolutely no business in Criminal Justice whatsoever!!! His idealogs are that of Adolf Hitler minus the idea to rule the world. He openly and blantenly prides himself on human suffering...if this is not hitler reincarnated I dont what is
I still feel like I am Pro-Human Life...Just not Pro-subHuman Life...I know that seems like a hypocracy, but its hard not to wish death on someone like this! Anybody else feel the same? I by no means encourage or believe in violence, but I certianly believe in executing those that get off on human suffering! Those that get paid and blindly screw the tax payers by making human suffer more than whats humane!
Last year alone, Sheriff Joe had to spend $189,900 of TAX PAYERS dollars to provide adequate security for his persons. Add that to his 90K a year salary thats a total of almost 280K a YEAR to have this fuckhead in charge! What a utter waste...reminds me much of the war on drugs( which he also favors). Now with the outragious claims he makes I can understand why it cost so much. Perhaps, if the people of Arizona were to rid of this subhuman they could recoup such wasteful spending! Moreso, they would be saving humans from inhumane punishment! Lastly, I hope all of this is not left at wishful thinking and something actual happens to this very sad and sorry situation this subhuman has created!
I have recently heared that The mexican mafia has put a bounty on this guys head.....ahhhh perhaps there is such a thing as karma?
I welcome any comments. Not looking for a debate, but perhaps others opinions on such a person?
Peace, Love, and Happiness
This guy BRAGS and BOASTS on the SUFFERING and inhuman Suppression that he inflicts on "americas dirtbags". First the "chain gang" and then making prisoners wear pink underwear!!!He has a long list of inhuman tactics(e.g. Making prisoners sleep in tents outside in 130 degree temps.), both mental and physical. He brags about how he is the MODEL CLASS sheriff and that every Prison and Jail in America should be run after HIS modelings....Personally, I think this guy is on a beatin path to find a huge fucking bullet lodged in his head.
Now, I am pro-life and personally dont wish death upon anyone...but I am really considering closing my eyes if he was ever to encounter "fatal fortune". Personally, I think this dudes Karma meter is tipping the scales.
Heres the Article I was reading :
How this guy is still considered a human is really beyond me! Let alone how he has ANY right to be a Sheriff is beyond all of my logic. Personally I pray that he finds a direct route to hell where he can take pineapples up the ass with his brother ADOLF HITLER!!! Anyone that prides themself on human suffering and supression has a serious request for the world to entertain the death of him! It is seriously hard not to favor a public beheading on this worthless rejected irrational inhumane subhuman

I can see that this is turning into a tad bit of a rant, however, I do hope to spread the word of this killers destruction! I think we need to rally and have this guy deported from Planet Earth..Perhaps to a place where he can play Sheriff Joe with whoever and do whatever he pleases to whatever he finds in our galaxy! I think on a more reasonable note, we should at least get this whack job the hell out of Law Enforcement. He has absolutely no business in Criminal Justice whatsoever!!! His idealogs are that of Adolf Hitler minus the idea to rule the world. He openly and blantenly prides himself on human suffering...if this is not hitler reincarnated I dont what is

I still feel like I am Pro-Human Life...Just not Pro-subHuman Life...I know that seems like a hypocracy, but its hard not to wish death on someone like this! Anybody else feel the same? I by no means encourage or believe in violence, but I certianly believe in executing those that get off on human suffering! Those that get paid and blindly screw the tax payers by making human suffer more than whats humane!
Last year alone, Sheriff Joe had to spend $189,900 of TAX PAYERS dollars to provide adequate security for his persons. Add that to his 90K a year salary thats a total of almost 280K a YEAR to have this fuckhead in charge! What a utter waste...reminds me much of the war on drugs( which he also favors). Now with the outragious claims he makes I can understand why it cost so much. Perhaps, if the people of Arizona were to rid of this subhuman they could recoup such wasteful spending! Moreso, they would be saving humans from inhumane punishment! Lastly, I hope all of this is not left at wishful thinking and something actual happens to this very sad and sorry situation this subhuman has created!
I have recently heared that The mexican mafia has put a bounty on this guys head.....ahhhh perhaps there is such a thing as karma?
I welcome any comments. Not looking for a debate, but perhaps others opinions on such a person?
Peace, Love, and Happiness