Wiring question

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
hi all , its not very often i ask for help , but i need some experts advice please .
i recently blew my 250w envirolite bulb , i hooked too much stuff into one power cord and it popped my bulb somehow :?: anyway i went straight on ebay to buy a replacement , but i noticed a bargain hps 250w , that i couldnt resist , ive grown with hps before (a 600w ) in my old place , but couldnt use it in my new place , so i sold it .
anyway i bought this 250 cause i can controll the heat on it, but my problem is it dosent come with a power cord on it , im a builder but i dont do electric and electric scares me as ive had a few jolts on building sites , but i kind of figure im capable of fitting a cord and plug if i know im doing it correctly .
my thoughts were that id fit a 13 amp plug on it and that would be fine , the light has the terminals to wire to so i guess its a easy job , anyhow i happend to notice that the guy was selling a few of these lights and on one of his auctions he says if your fitting a 13 amp plug , you should fuse it down to a 5 amp fuse , does he mean just use a 5 amp fuse in the plug that you attach or does he mean the light (ballest etc ) needs to be fused with a 5amp fuse and then fit a 13 amp plug as planned .
hope this makes sense to you all , i havent recieved the light yet but heres a link to the same light off the same seller , if you dont mind taking a look . thanks all.:arrow: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.d...m=270317741617

btw i got my light for £14 + £10 for shipping , wich i think is a bargain ?


Active Member
I'm a noob grower but retired electrician. Take 250w, divide by 240v (assuming Brittain) and you get just over 1 Amp of current. The load on a light doesn't vary so your only concern is a short circuit. I wouldn't bother with a fuse--just plug the light into a power strip that has a built-in circuit breaker. A 13 Amp cable is more than enough.