New Member
So i had some wax made from the dark about the strain and quality..but it was brown and didnt look great to be honest..a runny budder kind of consistency. I was told on here about winterizing (which is awesome) i obliged.. I used 28 grams of wax and double boiled it in everclear..could only get stayed on for a little while maybe half an hour because i thought more would dissolve than actually did. I ended up using a whole 750 ml bottle to the 28 grams because it wasnt fully dissolving..finally i gave in and shut it off the freezer it went for two nice full days. After that i filtered through coffee filters into my jars (way more crap in the filters then i thought, and a bunch at the bottom that i didnt even bother pouring it was so solid). I poured my stuff onto parchment in a pyrex so it would go straight to the vac oven after evaporating. I evaporated it with a fan on it outside for another two days until it was nice yellow n dry..then i put it in the vac oven on 29.5 vac at 115f for 3 didnt ever bubble really just small little bubbles in it if you look closely. But then it came out and it looked great. Only thing is its sticky and i thought it would be stable to touch?? A couple mins in the freezer and its nice and shatter like but room temp its still sticky..any ideas? This is my first time doing this and i have a a lot of the wax to do this too so i need to get it right for that stable consistency..anything helps so please do..but be easy on me too and talk to me like im a newbie ..ill post a pic of the gold when it was finished its just sticky like i said