Winds Put Sand on my Budding Plants- How can I clean them up?


Strong winds yesterday kicked up sand and covered my THC/budding plants.

What options do I have for cleaning them with out losing the TriChomes?

Thank you.


Well-Known Member
Hmm anything you do will knock off trics, cut an shake it lightly upside down? lol

Sand isnt realy flamable an it wont effect taste to just leave it in.

Outdoor plants get a bit of dirt an sand in the flowers, its normal where i live.


Active Member
yeah that happened in the way of dirt mud to me 6 days ago or so....lemme tella ya alot will fall off. I did shake my plant a lil and gave it a once over with a finger


Well-Known Member
Thats sucks last year i put a plant on it side in the back of a truck to take to a friends house to help me trim the dry drit and perlite was all over the buds wasted alot of weed i feel your pain. jeff