windowsil growing help needed !!


I have done a few grows outdoors and grew some huge mommas (i think the biggest was 12ft tall and thick with bud) but i have never grown indoors till this year and i need a few tips.

1. ive got 5 plants on a sil thats a metre long by 20cm wide and intend to grow them till they crop in the same place is this enough room for all 5?

2. its a small sunny position and i want the plants to grow to about 2ft in height how do i achieve this?

the plants have not sexed yet and are about 9 inch high so the number of plants may decrease if a few dudes turn up.


Well-Known Member
Well, I never tried it just sitting on a sill like that. I would think because of the long summer they would out grow the space.
How about small containers, do a bonsai thing on them. I bet if you kept them in 4 inch cups they would stay under 2 feet.


Well-Known Member
1. ive got 5 plants on a sil thats a metre long by 20cm wide and intend to grow them till they crop in the same place is this enough room for all 5?

2. its a small sunny position and i want the plants to grow to about 2ft in height how do i achieve this?.
should be OK, I'd force flower them when they're about 4 weeks old,