Window growing?


I'm looking to do somthing really simple...Window growing. I have sun all day, so can I juts put seeds in a pot and get an ok yield this winter?


Well-Known Member
It depends on your definition of decent and how much direct sunlight it gets everyday. I've seen about 2-3 decent window grows(and lots of bad ones) and those people were ones who moved their plants from window to window regularly to keep the plants getting as much direct light as possible, dont forget to rotate it so the same side is not always facing the same way. one major problem though is the outside light cycle right now, the days are getting shorter and to start a plant you want them to be getting longer. might be able to get yourself an 1/8th or two dry since even the grows i saw that started em in the spring and moved them and all that still only got about 1/2 oz dry.