window box help needed!


Well-Known Member
I have built a windowbox for my intake and exaust.
My intake is a 8" vortex fan
and my exaust is a 12" inline fan

Since i dont have 2 windows in this room
{and dont wish to cut holes in any walls}
I am using one window for both {i dont know if this is possible}

both holes are about 12" apart

When i run both intake and exaust im getting some of the air im pullin out gettin thrown back in through intake.

hmmm even when i only run one at a time im gettin 89 degrees

If anyone has anyadvice or experience with somthing similiar let me know thanks Hbr:?:


Well-Known Member
they make elbow joints in all ducting sizes. buy them for ten bucks each at home depot and install them with the input hole facing down and the exhaust hole facing up.


Well-Known Member
I picked up a 8"deflector but it was 2o bux and i couldnt find a 1o" hmm might have to go to a hydro shop for that,im sure its gona be like 4o there! Dang Hbr


Well-Known Member
So what you have is like this..

Just add a "V" shape to the front?
Surely that should help a little?

just make your own. :D

-see image-



Well-Known Member
Arid you the man,thanks!
Yea im gona have to build sumthin cause all i can find in premade deflectors is 8".
Thanks again! Hbr