Window AC...Air Exchange or NOT??


Active Member
I'm officially confused. I've been studying posts and reading up on ventilation and exhaust as best I can. I've seen contradicting information regarding AC as a means of fresh air exchange. One post I just read said that with AC there was no need for fresh air and posts I read some time back said that all that AC did was recycle interior air thereby not supplying ANY fresh air whatsoever, rather just cooled recycled interior air. I certainly wish the former were true as I have a window unit in my room and would love to not have to deal with ventilation however I'm pretty sure latter is actually the case since the filter on all AC units I've seen is on the inside, thereby demonstrating the intake coming from the inside.

What is you guys'/gals' understanding of this issue?


Well-Known Member
As far as I know, a window AC unit will not pull fresh air from the outside either.