Window a/c box question


So I grow in a 2x4x5 tent in a garage with 6 4't5 and a window behind tent, my temps are way too high with lights on and even a little too high with lights off! My setup now is I have inline blowing exhaust out top of tent out window and have a bag over ac vent ducting to bottom of tent opposite side of exhaust! My problem is the ac is only registering temps in garage n not temps in tent, therefore it doesn't shut off til it gets cool in garage! Cooling garage would be a waste bc it's a 2story garage and would take forever to cool whole area. Looking for thoughts on and seeing if it makes sense if I were to create a box on lower part of ac and run ducting to ac from tent to send temps from tent to unit rather then temps in garage! Is this possible? Will it help ac turn off n on also maybe didn't mention ac is in window so not worried about venting ac exhaust as it goes outside already! Please any advice is greatful!!

smokin away

Well-Known Member
I have never tried your exact set up but it sounds neat. I used to live in this one bedroom apartment in the city. The A/C was a window unit buried in the back closet. They had a duct board plenum (basically an insulated box) around the top part where the cool air came out. This ran to vents in other locations in the apartment. It worked great when it was newer but with age it leaked. I'm sure if you built a similar set up for your tent that it would give some results. I would monitor temps in the tent to be sure. I think you have to go an A/C Supply to buy duct board. They sell an insulated panel at Home Depot for insulating buildings. It could be used with some foil tape instead. Then cut round holes in the box and run some insulated round ducts to the tent. I wouldn't go more than twenty feet with it.
