How much did you water?
What kind of soil is it in?
What size planters?
WHat size/age of plants?
What Lights & temperatures?
All these things effect how much water they need.
Watering (over or under) is the #1 biggest issue for new growers.
Shallow watering makes the roots stay close to the surface, meaning fewer/weaker roots and a smaller/weaker plant... too often & too much and you can drown it..
Water DEEP- all the soil should be saturated and some leaking out of the bottom of the planter--- let the runoff sit in the drip-pan for an hour in case it didn't soak into the soil before running out... the planter should be heavy for it's size..
now- don't water again until the top 2 inches of soil are dry and the planter feels light- but before they wilt...
If they are little seedlings-- water deep- then use a spray bottle to keep the surface of the soil just damp until they need more water (planter will be light) until they get their 3rd set of leaves....
Water em now- and water em deep---then wait!