wilting plants

Im about a week and half into flowering.1000wt hps went to check on them today and all of them are wilting really bad colors good.I watered them the day before yesterday.Could they just be thirsty?


New Member
Im about a week and half into flowering.1000wt hps went to check on them today and all of them are wilting really bad colors good.I watered them the day before yesterday.Could they just be thirsty?
How often do you water ? did the pot feel light or heavy to lift ? you should stick to a routine if poss, make sure they are really thirsty for a drink, also if poss keep a tray under your pots when watering and leave the pot standing in it for about 20 mins, they can draw up alot more than you might think, when there is some left after 20 mins they are full to burst, just repeat. if you have left it late its cool they will perk up soon enough.
The soil is usually really dry every day so i usually give them a drink.This is the first time ive skipped a day.Ive never saw a plant wilt this bad.I have six flowering and everyone of them are doing that.They have to be really thirsty otherwise there would be no explanation why they are doing this.They looked fine yesterday.
Another question.In my veg room three of them are turing yellow from top to bottom and there curling really bad.Any ideas?I have two 400hps in there.Only three out of eight are doing it the rest look fine.


New Member
just make sure the pot is very light to lift, and again sit them in a tray they do miss alot but will draw it up from the tray on their own, sit for about 20 mins if they take up the lot, give them some more in the tray when you have a little left over they are full and have left what they dont want, its like us pushing away a plate after a meal when we are full.


New Member
Another question.In my veg room three of them are turing yellow from top to bottom and there curling really bad.Any ideas?I have two 400hps in there.Only three out of eight are doing it the rest look fine.
if they are in your veg room it sounds like low N. or you have your feed to high and your burning them, hard to say without a pic, id back off with any nuits before went UP with N.