Will This Work.... need information from people who know

Okay im not really new to growing, Iv grown outside for fun my whole life, trying new strains, planting in weird places just to see how it goes.... i even planted a 4 foot tall plant under creek water and that bitch died but hey i was all for trial and error..... but now shits gettin real, i need money, i moved from tennessee to florida and i know im good at growing outside, problem is in florida i cant grow outdoors right this minute, so im gonna try something iv never ever done before and thats grow indoors, i got a little 4 inch tall sprout and it looks decent and is going well, i was wonderin if i grew 8/16 for 4 weeks then switched over to 12/12 for a while do you all think this would work so i can flower early and get bud from a small plant, i got 150 seeds and all are germed, just waitin for the info to pour in and put me down the right path, cuz i dont want plants too damn big, i just want a few lil 2 foot maybe 3 foot plants that will bud when i want them to. so answer up and help me out. thanks, stevo
i bought 26 100 watt REPLACEMENT bulbs they are all 26 watt i think, and i bought 10 lowes moving boxes 4 foot tall and 2 foot wide, lined them with alluminum foils REFLECTIVE side and pretty much filled an entire room and then some lol i got money from the last outdoor grows in tennessee so without having to go and buy more shit online what in the world can i do with what i have to work with, all named above i wanna grow pretty much any strain but like a mini version, and have them budding, dried, cured, and sold within 3 months, iv heard its been done plenty of times and is called a stealth/ micro grow but im way new to this so we gonna see where this goes if you guys could help
Welcome Stevo,

What lights are you running? CFL/HID/MH? How many watts? Soil or Hydro grow?

100 watt equivalant CFL swirly lookin bulbs, they are currently placed 1 foot or less above my plants and within the past few hours this plant has been movin in a circular motion and turnin on its own, and im using basic soil
Those lights will work...optimal placement would be 6 inches or closer to the plant...cfl doesnt have great light penetration past that. Be careful with aluminum foil, it can create hot spots and burn the plant. I recommend going to wally world and getting mylar protective blankets and using that stuff to line instead, or buying white spray paint and just spray paint the inside of the box white. ($.99/can at wallyworld) How many of those lights do you have per plant?