Wanting to start using molasses but hard to find around me. This is readily available will this work or no? I can order off amazon just trying tk find locally first.
Wanting to start using molasses but hard to find around me. This is readily available will this work or no? I can order off amazon just trying tk find locally first.
Been eatin' dirt for ever. Taste better with "unsulphered" molasses. Buds still the same flavor. LOL.
OP should use a Tsp per gallon of water once a month if organic soil. Synthetic feed or medium is pointless. And excess causes herd over population and soil will go anaerobic. Bad stuff.
Wanting to start using molasses but hard to find around me. This is readily available will this work or no? I can order off amazon just trying tk find locally first.
That stuff's fine. Don't listen to the shit about it making soil anaerobic. That's crazy. Lack of O2 is what makes soil turn anaerobic.
It's just to feed the microbes mainly. It can lower soil pH if you overdo it though. I'd give a tsp per gal at most at a time. But I'd love to hear the results. I need to do some more experimenting with it too.