Will this clone make it?


Well-Known Member
It had some serious roots because I waited a little long to plant it. Kinda looks like it’s hanging in there with that one node.


It’s been in soil about a week. Should I trim the dead leaves and top?
Top post agreed. Start over for sure. But keep I would keep it and try to bring her back just for fun
Remember watching "Saving Grace" (UK, 2000), a movie about a widow growing weed to keep your financial status, years before "Weeds" (USA, 2005). In that movie she starts to grow trying to save a friend's plant, almost dead, that sticked in my mind.
Don't give up! Still can be saved.
Provide light and rest, warm place and high and continuous humidity, spraying water on it. Cut out dead parts.
Good luck!!
Trim the dead leaves? You tap that cup and they’ll fall right off...

All jokes aside will it survive, with enough time/care probably. Is it worth it only you know the answer to that but I would say the biggest danger is pests and pathogens.
Trim the dead leaves? You tap that cup and they’ll fall right off...

All jokes aside will it survive, with enough time/care probably. Is it worth it only you know the answer to that but I would say the biggest danger is pests and pathogens.
Hi buddy, sorry I couldn’t figure out how to dm you. Could your shoot me a dm, I’m interested in some stuff you posted on a previous thread. Ty so much, Jake