Will the power company rat me out?

First time grower, thinking of getting two 1000 watt HPS light for flowering and one 250 watt MH light for vegging, I'm wondering if my power company will rat me out to the police for an increase in power use? I'm growing in North Carolina in a Uhual in my backyard, but i have power supply and ventilation pretty well hidden. Probably been asked before but I searched and didn't see much. I'm thinking they wont as long as i pay the bill on time but I really don't want to take a chance.


New Member
power is power all there gonna see is your useing more power granted alot more but for all they know your having a lan party over your house or something. As long as you pay your bills they will care less.

(assuming your not messing with your meter at all.. that would be a big mistake they will catch that.)


Well-Known Member
yup just pay the bill and you will be fine. Dont steal power, the power co is a business and has no problems with your high electricity bill. Do what you got to do, just make sure you pay the bill!


New Member
if your super paranoid, start useing more power gradually IE.. leave stuff on that is normaly off alot now the more power useage the better PC's ect. then when you get all your stuff setup and on go back to your normal habits power wise.


Active Member
growing marijuana is hardly playing it safe... hear are the basic rules... dont tell or show anyone about your grow... not have pot plants smelling up the place... dont sell any weed... no tell no smell no sell no cops... cool?


Active Member
... a dog or some animal fucked up my AC duct work under my house... my 5 ton AC unit was aparently running non stop... that and my 2 1000 watt lights, fans, computer, and everything i usually do was all going on at the same time... my power bill was $375 more a month than normal for 3 months in a row before i figured out the problem.. i though the lights were caussing my ac to run and just paid the bill.. stoney mcairhead here!! anyway the power company didnt even say a damn thing... not even to check if someone was steeling my power... they just took my money and let it be... when i found out i was shocked and pissed! any way long story short i fixed the AC duct and cracks in crawspace intrance and the power drastically changed.. any way in just 4 months i had spent around 2k on power... if thats not a rediculous amount of power i dont know what is!!!!!

and any way those large electric forges are like 6000 watts and a lot of people have them.. ok not a lot.. but a spike in power isnt a big deal... you can even tell the power company youre getting a large kelm or furnace or pottery(spelling?) and that youll be needing a larger transformer.. they will be so happy they will put it in in a mater of days... all types of things use high amounts of power... again the power company want as much money as they can get!!! just think of all the houses and vallies they had flooded just to put up a new damn... do you really think the popwer company is all of a sudden going to have morals and care what the power they sell is being used for as long as you pay on time! i think not... even that pot cave in TN that got busted used 100s of 1000s of power.. what got them was they got greedy and started stealing it... then the dumb asses came out with shot guns and tried to run them off...

your far from raising any suspitions with your two lights...


Active Member
i have a 1500 watt space heater... im not saying it runs all the time but 2000 watts being used contiuessly still isnt much... the worst 150 exrta a month... what person selling you a product isnt going to be happy to find out they are getting an extra 150 a month from you... i remember when i got my first 400 watt light... i was so worried about the power bill the first month lol! it turned out to only cost an avg of 25 or so extra a month and that was on a 24 hour cycle... so calm yourself and be more worried about pissing off any females that know about the grow... and concern yourself with smell and trafic in and out of the uhaul if folks can see... let your rights to privacy protect you... by that i mean dont give them a reason to be checking you out to begine with... dress clean cut... keep your face shaved and hair neet... dont hang out with grungy looking people... keep your grass cut and plant some flowers... try and make your yard look like the mayors yard... blend in with the with the squares... steriotyping is the cops number obe tool... cops dont even look at me and when i do get pulled over they always let me go and cut me a break... make yourself look like a type A citizine and your own kind wont even recognize you... so many dealers have turned me down bc eveyone thinks im a cop..


New Member
I use a rather large holiday display for Christmas. Large in the form of it can pull a potential 283 amps which is jusssst under 34,000 watts.I had them install a 100 amp sub panel in June with no questions asked. Actually, now that its mentioned they were pretty prompt. I also had them add dedicated 30 amp circuits to my home, 6 of them. At Christmas the display has just over 90,000 lights. We won't even talk about the bill for running a computer animated display from dusk to 11pm from December 1st to January 1st. Let's just say its hefty, close to 4 figures. Been on the news a few times, only phone call I ever got from the power company was to see if I needed any more upgrades to the house.