Will Sanders chose Gabbard as his running mate?


Well-Known Member
It seems obvious to me that he will chose her as his running mate. She has been his most ardent supporter. She is supported by the same media outlets and donors. She has taken his side in every issue she could, including his feud with Warren. He needs a female who is younger than him as a running mate, this is what many analysts have pointed out for a while. Her experience in the military and her opposition to Obama on several issues has given him some credibility (or taken it, depending how you view) by strengthening his contrast to established DNC figures.

Do you agree with my assessment or disagree? Who do you think he will chose as a running mate? I think it's extremely important he chose well as he is currently looking like the front runner. He has declined to share his medical records despite his recent heart attack. At his age, with such a condition, it is statistically very unlikely he will survive the next 3 years, so we really ought to know who his running mate will be, since they could very well become president.


Well-Known Member
It seems obvious to me that he will chose her as his running mate. She has been his most ardent supporter. She is supported by the same media outlets and donors. She has taken his side in every issue she could, including his feud with Warren. He needs a female who is younger than him as a running mate, this is what many analysts have pointed out for a while. Her experience in the military and her opposition to Obama on several issues has given him some credibility (or taken it, depending how you view) by strengthening his contrast to established DNC figures.

Do you agree with my assessment or disagree? Who do you think he will chose as a running mate? I think it's extremely important he chose well as he is currently looking like the front runner. He has declined to share his medical records despite his recent heart attack. At his age, with such a condition, it is statistically very unlikely he will survive the next 3 years, so we really ought to know who his running mate will be, since they could very well become president.
If he does, I will hold my nose and vote for him. That is all I will do. She is the kiss of death and they will lose badly.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
bring the nation together,
It will be a brokered convention and Hillary will rise from the ashes. Bernie will die in an "unfortunate plane crash" just before the convention.

Hillary will pick Bill Clinton as her running mate.


Well-Known Member
And I just don't see many other choices for him as a running mate.
But the Berniebabies do. That would be former Ohio State Senator who ran for Sec'y of State but got badly beaten, Nina Turner. Pad, Tyler and Schuylaar have been extolling her virtues on Reddit and here for a while.

Here are the reasons they think she would be a great Vice President:

She's black.
She says good things about Bernie.
She's black.
Her skin is really dark.
Black people might support Bernie after they realize how black she is due to their "herdlike" mentality. They certainly have no idea who she is.
She can help Bernie lose Ohio by three fewer percent.


Well-Known Member
But the Berniebabies do. That would be former Ohio State Senator who ran for Sec'y of State but got badly beaten, Nina Turner. Pad, Tyler and Schuylaar have been extolling her virtues on Reddit and here for a while.

Here are the reasons they think she would be a great Vice President:

She's black.
She says good things about Bernie.
She's black.
Her skin is really dark.
Black people might support Bernie after they realize how black she is due to their "herdlike" mentality. They certainly have no idea who she is.
She can help Bernie lose Ohio by three fewer percent.
So, she might very well become president, seeing as how Bernie is in all likelihood going to be dead within a year or two.


Well-Known Member
A younger running mate who can represent change within the framework of normal politics, Americans crave both change and stability, a return to normalcy. Above all those opposed to Trump want someone who can beat him by the largest margin and have the longest down ballot coattails. America must be rid of not just Trump but the GOP senate as well and thanks to the doings of Donald the democrats have a chance at taking it all, anything less than a complete victory would see a country in suspended animation, with a republican senate blocking every move forward or compromising it into meaninglessness. Taking the presidency and house would see the truth come out and justice done, it will put the heat on the GOP senate for their sham impeachment trial and a few more might pay for it with voters in 2022

This is a pivotal election in American History, the soul of the nation is at stake, turn out should be high and that is never good for the republicans.


Well-Known Member
A younger running mate who can represent change within the framework of normal politics, Americans crave both change and stability, a return to normalcy. Above all those opposed to Trump want someone who can beat him by the largest margin and have the longest down ballot coattails. America must be rid of not just Trump but the GOP senate as well and thanks to the doings of Donald the democrats have a chance at taking it all, anything less than a complete victory would see a country in suspended animation, with a republican senate blocking every move forward or compromising it into meaninglessness. Taking the presidency and house would see the truth come out and justice done, it will put the heat on the GOP senate for their sham impeachment trial and a few more might pay for it with voters in 2022

This is a pivotal election in American History, the soul of the nation is at stake, turn out should be high and that is never good for the republicans.
My guess is that most Americans remember when it didn't really matter because they couldn't much feel the difference in their neighborhood. I think most Americans want it to go back to that. How many existential threats to our very civilization are there now?


Well-Known Member
I don’t see Tulsi being on the same page ideologically with Bernie. Warren would make more sense as a VP to Bernie.


Well-Known Member
Stacy Abrams has the most experience, and may even end up being the first female president

Stacey Abrams is a New York Times bestselling author, serial entrepreneur, nonprofit CEO and political leader. After serving for eleven years in the Georgia House of Representatives, seven as Democratic Leader. In 2018, Abrams became the Democratic nominee for Governor of Georgia, winning more votes than any other Democrat in the state’s history. Abrams was the first black woman to become the gubernatorial nominee for a major party in the United States, and she was the first black woman and first Georgian to deliver a Response to the State of the Union. After witnessing the gross mismanagement of the 2018 election by the Secretary of State’s office, Abrams launched Fair Fight to ensure every American has a voice in our election system through programs such as Fair Fight 2020, an initiative to fund and train voter protection teams in 20 battleground states. Over the course of her career, Abrams has founded multiple organizations devoted to voting rights, training and hiring young people of color, and tackling social issues at both the state and national levels. In 2019, she launched Fair Count to ensure accuracy in the 2020 Census and greater participation in civic engagement, and the Southern Economic Advancement Project, a public policy initiative to broaden economic power and build equity in the South.

Abrams is a lifetime member of the Council on Foreign Relations, where she serves on the Subcommittee on Diversity. As a Next Generation Fellow of the American Assembly on U.S. Global Policy and the Future of International Institutions, she also served as a discussion leader, editor, and essay contributor. She was also selected as a Salzburg Seminar Fellow on East Asian Studies, an American Marshall Memorial Fellow, an American Council of Young Political Leaders Fellow, a Council on Italy Fellow, a British-American Project Fellow and a U.S.-Russia Young Leaders Fellow. In her capacity as Democratic Leader, she traveled to and met with leaders in South Korea, Israel and Taiwan, and she worked closely with several members of the consular corps. Her international policy travel includes Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, France, Germany, Israel, Italy, the Netherlands, South Korea, Switzerland, Taiwan and the United Kingdom. She has been a featured speaker at the Aspen Ministers Forum, the Kerry Initiative-Yale Jackson Institute of Global Affairs, the National Security Action Forum and the Council on Foreign Relations, as well as a contributor to Foreign Affairs Magazine.
She is a recipient of the John F. Kennedy New Frontier Award and a current member of the Board of Directors for the Center for American Progress. Abrams has also written eight romantic suspense novels under the pen name Salena Montgomery, in addition to Lead from the Outside, formerlyMinority Leader, a guidebook on making real change, and Our Time is Now, which will appear in bookstores in June.

Abrams received degrees from Spelman College, the LBJ School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas and Yale Law School. Born in Madison, Wisconsin, she and her five siblings grew up in Gulfport, Mississippi and were raised in Georgia.


Well-Known Member
Stacy Abrams has the most experience, and may even end up being the first female president

Stacey Abrams is a New York Times bestselling author, serial entrepreneur, nonprofit CEO and political leader. After serving for eleven years in the Georgia House of Representatives, seven as Democratic Leader. In 2018, Abrams became the Democratic nominee for Governor of Georgia, winning more votes than any other Democrat in the state’s history. Abrams was the first black woman to become the gubernatorial nominee for a major party in the United States, and she was the first black woman and first Georgian to deliver a Response to the State of the Union. After witnessing the gross mismanagement of the 2018 election by the Secretary of State’s office, Abrams launched Fair Fight to ensure every American has a voice in our election system through programs such as Fair Fight 2020, an initiative to fund and train voter protection teams in 20 battleground states. Over the course of her career, Abrams has founded multiple organizations devoted to voting rights, training and hiring young people of color, and tackling social issues at both the state and national levels. In 2019, she launched Fair Count to ensure accuracy in the 2020 Census and greater participation in civic engagement, and the Southern Economic Advancement Project, a public policy initiative to broaden economic power and build equity in the South.

Abrams is a lifetime member of the Council on Foreign Relations, where she serves on the Subcommittee on Diversity. As a Next Generation Fellow of the American Assembly on U.S. Global Policy and the Future of International Institutions, she also served as a discussion leader, editor, and essay contributor. She was also selected as a Salzburg Seminar Fellow on East Asian Studies, an American Marshall Memorial Fellow, an American Council of Young Political Leaders Fellow, a Council on Italy Fellow, a British-American Project Fellow and a U.S.-Russia Young Leaders Fellow. In her capacity as Democratic Leader, she traveled to and met with leaders in South Korea, Israel and Taiwan, and she worked closely with several members of the consular corps. Her international policy travel includes Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, France, Germany, Israel, Italy, the Netherlands, South Korea, Switzerland, Taiwan and the United Kingdom. She has been a featured speaker at the Aspen Ministers Forum, the Kerry Initiative-Yale Jackson Institute of Global Affairs, the National Security Action Forum and the Council on Foreign Relations, as well as a contributor to Foreign Affairs Magazine.
She is a recipient of the John F. Kennedy New Frontier Award and a current member of the Board of Directors for the Center for American Progress. Abrams has also written eight romantic suspense novels under the pen name Salena Montgomery, in addition to Lead from the Outside, formerlyMinority Leader, a guidebook on making real change, and Our Time is Now, which will appear in bookstores in June.

Abrams received degrees from Spelman College, the LBJ School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas and Yale Law School. Born in Madison, Wisconsin, she and her five siblings grew up in Gulfport, Mississippi and were raised in Georgia.
She's got the chops and would likely bolster his support. However, bringing no delegates to Sanders, she wouldn't exactly be a better choice for him than one of the current candidates. Still she'd clearly be a better choice than Gabbard, as long as Gabbard continues to take no delegates. However, even if he did choose, let's say, Warren, there's no guarantee that her delegates would go to Sanders. When delegates are pledged to a candidate and that candidate then drops, those delegates become like superdelegates.

Remember, its' the delegates who nominate.


Well-Known Member
I don’t see Tulsi being on the same page ideologically with Bernie. Warren would make more sense as a VP to Bernie.
I don't see it happening. What I see is Warren's willingness to work closely with the DNC. She even hired many of Hillary's campaign staff. Also, she has come to see that Bernie's healthcare plan is pure fallacy. Bernie is now pretty much completely alone on that agenda with no significant allies and very little legislative support. Most of the Warren/Sanders comparisons were drawn based on their apparent alignment with regard to healthcare, so without that, I don't see much common ground left between them.


Well-Known Member
Who ever he picks, I'm extremely curious to see, because they will have to be ready to step in as the next president when he dies from his heart condition.


Well-Known Member

"We're doing great, only 5% behind the 3rd and 4th place losers"

I can't think of a better way to make the point I was told to do by Putin, I am going to whine about a media blackout, and attack the institutions of our country while I am smiling and looking very much like that Republican lady that they will push for in a couple years.