will my plants grow well in this set up????? (pic inside)


two 15 watt florescent lights
18 hour days 6 hour nights

will my plants grow well in these conditions im trying to grow some fire:fire:



Active Member
You'll need matches to grow fire in that setup. Sorry, your in the right place for info thou, read,read,read.


Well-Known Member
u will at best get some green cotton balls lol look at the CFL growing section for people's harvest to get a good idea of what you are looking forward to


Well-Known Member
Your setup now is appropriate for veg only. What my advice would be to keep what you got and practice growing your plants in veg. Try topping and cloning, get your nutes dialed in, most importantly start saving up for a HID light. It's crazy what you can do with even a 150w hps, should be enough smoke for at least one person and good smoke too. Try looking at HTG... Just remember you want to flower when your plants are about 8 inches tall with a 150w, plants may double or triple in size in flower, the bushier the better. Your here and on the right track. I would read all I can.
Good Luck and happy growing!


thanks man i really appreciate it i think im going to take your advice ill just practice with a few plants and do a bit more reading into i get some good hid lights


Well-Known Member
No problem, check that link in my last post to that shop. I have had good experiences with them and for someone getting into the hobby they're cheap with good customer service. Also I wouldn't stress too much about quality yet, I would just get some stuff well developed and try my hand at cloning. If you can get all that down while keeping your plants alive you have figured out a good bit. Flowering is pretty easy once you figure it out.
Good luck and happy growing.

Also IME I had an easier time keeping a 150w hps cooler than equal amounts in CFL. Just food for thought if your thinking of going that route.