Will my outside flowering plant be ok inside for the last 2 wks before harvest?


going on vacation for 10 days. My plants have been outside in FLORIDA HEAT for the last few months, one is about ready to harvest the other is ready to start the flowering. they will both be going inside during my vacation.......So how will they do going from outside in the FLORIDA HEAT & SUN to inside with (2) 2700K lights?
YES i need to leave them all alone for 10 TEN days...what o do what to do what to do...
They will be on a 12/12 cycle , near an A/C vent with a small fan pulling out the extra air from the top to keep it circulating. The temp in the upstairs of my home is not cool, its a bedroom we dont use, but not HOT. probably about 75 degrees or so.
OK help me get thru this guys so I can have some great smoke to harvest when i get home and not dried out buds .


Well-Known Member
How many watts are those 2700k? You Dont wanna dramatically change the amount of light you have on the buds... You could come back to much more stringy bud...